Having a dashboard for officers/anyone with a certain privilege level to:
Easily get statistics on the current members signed up, possible things to display:
Number of paid members for that semester
Number of events created so far
Visualization of useful statistics like:
Breakdown of members by major
Breakdown of members by gender
Breakdown of members by standing (Freshman, Junior, Graduate student, etc. Alumni as well?)
A way to measure how engaged our members are with our org on average (Could be helpful to help determine if certain effects the officer team makes have impact)
Not sure what the best way to measure this would be but maybe calculate the percentage of events the average paid member attends (This statistic could get skewed/become misleading over the years if the number of events increases such as adding more study nights, etc.)
Maybe only monitor events with a certain "tag" or something? Like General Body Meetings (GBMs) could be considered a major event as well as events with our partner companies/orgs while events that are more minor are not counted in this statistic?
Add a certain weight/amount of points to events which are given to a member on the backend (not related to our currents points system for members) for attending and keep track of the average points (participation rate) of members
Use the current points system for this? Honestly might be way more accurate way of tracking this but have to double check how members are able to earn points and how many points they earn for each thing to ensure its an accurate metric
Having a dashboard for officers/anyone with a certain privilege level to: