SHShim0513 / SD-VITON

[AAAI 2024] Towards Squeezing-Averse Virtual Try-On via Sequential Deformation.
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Unpaired Data Settings #3

Open MoeenArif1 opened 4 months ago

MoeenArif1 commented 4 months ago

I wanted to compare the results of your model checkpoint with others. However, when I use the unpaired data settings, it still seeks clothing on the model (human), as in the paired dataset. Could you please guide me on how to make it work for unpaired datasets?

SHShim0513 commented 4 months ago


What was your terminal command?

You should write "--datasetting unpaired" as in a readme file.

MoeenArif1 commented 3 months ago

i am using datasetting unpaired in my terminal command. The output shows datasetting unpaired but on unpaired data, scripts still looks for data.

this is my command: !python --occlusion \ --test_name {custom_out_2} \ --tocg_checkpoint "/content/drive/MyDrive/2d-sd-vton/try_on_condition_generator/tocg.pth" --gpu_ids "0" --gen_checkpoint "/content/drive/MyDrive/2d-sd-vton/try_on_image_generator/toig.pth" \ --datasetting 'unpaired' \ --dataroot "/content/drive/MyDrive/2d-sd-vton/unpaired-dataset-demo" \ --data_list "/content/drive/MyDrive/2d-sd-vton/Custom-DataSet-Main/test_pairs.txt" \ --output_dir "/content/drive/MyDrive/2d-sd-vton/output" \ --composition_mask

MoeenArif1 commented 2 months ago

any update on unpaired data setting. here is link of unpaired datasetting on which the model fails and looks for a paired setting :