SHUR1K-N / MeetNinja-Google-Meet-Bot

A super dope tool that attends your Google Meet(s) for you. Flawlessly handles scheduled multiple (subsequent) Meet sessions. Also disables the camera & microphone, and shows timestamps of joining & ending times for each Meet. Supported: Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox running on Linux / Mac / Windows
71 stars 11 forks source link

Initializing browser... Failed! #12

Closed reeswar21 closed 3 years ago

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago

hey ..just figuring out everything was fine until this"Initializing browser... Failed!" can you help me out with this?

Screenshot 2020-11-30 at 8 53 54 PM
SHUR1K-N commented 3 years ago

Uncomment line #255 from

# print(e)

Now, the failure will show itself in the form of a traceback (error message) in the MeetNinja console window. You may then share this traceback here.

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago

i dont understand

SHUR1K-N commented 3 years ago

Open using any editor, scroll down to the end of the file (line #255), and where it says # print(e), go ahead and remove the # (the space too) so it is now just print(e). Save this file and then run it. When it fails this time, it will show a more specific error message (traceback); you can share that error message here so I could assist you further.

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago

okay now it says name error e is not defined

Screenshot 2020-11-30 at 11 13 25 PM
SHUR1K-N commented 3 years ago

No, that is just a side effect, the actual error is above it.

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'w3c'

Just for the sake of clarity, could you share all the bits you have substituted into the code except the username and password? It is quite possible something was perhaps edited incorrectly. You may share the entire section as a screenshot. Make sure you censor/remove your login credentials.

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python

from selenium import webdriver; import requests
from import expected_conditions as when
from import By as by
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
import pause; import os; import re
import time; from datetime import datetime
import colorama; from termcolor import colored


#                        Meets                  HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY
MEETS = {"": "09:00:00 30/11/2020",

         # Add more Meet URLs (if any) using the same format as above

DURATION = 60 # Duration of each Meet in minutes
BROWSER_DRIVER = "Browser Driver Path Goes Here (options below)"

#                   Google Chrome
#             Mac: "ChromeDrivers/mac64/chromedriver"

# All required interactive elements' locators (text fields, buttons, etc.)
usernameFieldPath = ""
usernameNextButtonPath = "identifierNext"
passwordFieldPath = ""
passwordNextButtonPath = "passwordNext"
joinButton1Path = "//span[contains(text(), 'Join')]"
joinButton2Path = "//span[contains(text(), 'Ask to join')]"
endButtonPath = "[aria-label='Leave call']"

currentVersionNumber = "v3.0.0"
BANNER1 = colored('''
   ███▄ ▄███▓▓█████ ▓█████▄▄▄█████▓ ███▄    █  ██▓ ███▄    █  ▄▄▄██▀▀▀▄▄▄
  ▓██▒▀█▀ ██▒▓█   ▀ ▓█   ▀▓  ██▒ ▓▒ ██ ▀█   █ ▓██▒ ██ ▀█   █    ▒██  ▒████▄
  ▓██    ▓██░▒███   ▒███  ▒ ▓██░ ▒░▓██  ▀█ ██▒▒██▒▓██  ▀█ ██▒   ░██  ▒██  ▀█▄
  ▒██    ▒██ ▒▓█  ▄ ▒▓█  ▄░ ▓██▓ ░ ▓██▒  ▐▌██▒░██░▓██▒  ▐▌██▒▓██▄██▓ ░██▄▄▄▄██
  ▒██▒   ░██▒░▒████▒░▒████▒ ▒██▒ ░ ▒██░   ▓██░░██░▒██░   ▓██░ ▓███▒   ▓█   ▓██▒
  ░ ▒░   ░  ░░░ ▒░ ░░░ ▒░ ░ ▒ ░░   ░ ▒░   ▒ ▒ ░▓  ░ ▒░   ▒ ▒  ▒▓▒▒░   ▒▒   ▓▒█░
  ░  ░      ░ ░ ░  ░ ░ ░  ░   ░    ░ ░░   ░ ▒░ ▒ ░░ ░░   ░ ▒░ ▒ ░▒░    ▒   ▒▒ ░
  ░      ░      ░      ░    ░         ░   ░ ░  ▒ ░   ░   ░ ░  ░ ░ ░    ░   ▒
         ░      ░  ░   ░  ░                 ░  ░           ░  ░   ░        ░  ░''', 'blue')
BANNER2 = colored('''                    ------------------------------------''', 'blue')
BANNER3 = colored('''                    || MeetNinja: The Google Meet Bot ||''', 'red')
BANNER4 = colored('''                    ------------------------------------''', 'blue')

def printBanner():
    print(BANNER1), print(BANNER2), print(BANNER3), print(BANNER4)

def versionCheck():
    global currentVersionNumber

    print("\nChecking for MeetNinja updates...", end="")

    crawlVersionFile = requests.get(VERSION_CHECK_URL)
    crawlVersionFile = str(crawlVersionFile.content)
    crawlVersionFile = re.findall(r"([0-9]+)", crawlVersionFile)
    latestVersionNumber = int(''.join(crawlVersionFile))

    currentVersionNumber = re.findall(r"([0-9]+)", currentVersionNumber)
    currentVersionNumber = int(''.join(currentVersionNumber))

    if currentVersionNumber >= latestVersionNumber:
        print(colored(" You are using the latest version!\n", "green"))
    elif currentVersionNumber < latestVersionNumber:
        print(colored(" You are using an older version of MeetNinja.", "red"))
        print(colored("Get the latest version at", "yellow"))
        print(colored("Every new version comes with fixes, improvements, new features, etc..", "yellow"))
        print(colored("Please do not open an Issue if you see this message and have not yet tried the latest version.", "yellow"))

def fixTimeFormat(rawTime):
    rawTime = list(rawTime.split())
    times = list(map(int, rawTime[0].split(":")))
    dates = list(map(int, reversed(rawTime[1].split("/"))))
    startTime = date + times
    return startTime

def timeStamp():
    timeNow = str(
    timeRegEx = re.findall(r"([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+)", timeNow)

def initBrowser():
    print("\nInitializing browser...", end="")
    if BROWSER_DRIVER.lower().startswith(" chrome"):
        chromeOptions = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
        chromeOptions.add_experimental_option('excludeSwitches', ['enable-logging'])
        chromeOptions.add_experimental_option("prefs", {"profile.default_content_setting_values.media_stream_mic": 2,
                                                        "profile.default_content_setting_values.media_stream_camera": 2,
                                                        "profile.default_content_setting_values.notifications": 2
        driver = webdriver.Chrome (executable_path=BROWSER_DRIVER, options=chromeOptions)

def login():
    print("Logging into Google account...", end="")

    usernameField = wait.until(when.element_to_be_clickable((by.ID, usernameFieldPath)))

    usernameNextButton = wait.until(when.element_to_be_clickable((by.ID, usernameNextButtonPath)))

    passwordField = wait.until(when.element_to_be_clickable((by.NAME, passwordFieldPath)))

    passwordNextButton = wait.until(when.element_to_be_clickable((by.ID, passwordNextButtonPath)))
    print(colored(" Success!", "green"))

def attendMeet():
    print(f"\n\nNavigating to Google Meet #{meetIndex}...", end="")
    print(colored(" Success!", "green"))
    print(f"Entering Google Meet #{meetIndex}...", end="")

        joinButton = wait.until(when.element_to_be_clickable((by.XPATH, joinButton1Path)))
        joinButton = wait.until(when.element_to_be_clickable((by.XPATH, joinButton2Path)))
    if BROWSER_DRIVER.lower().startswith("chrome"):

    print(colored(" Success!", "green"))
    print(colored(f"Now attending Google Meet #{meetIndex} @{timeStamp()}", "green"), end="")

        joinButton = wait.until(when.element_to_be_clickable((by.XPATH, joinButton1Path)))   # For another prompt that pops up for Meets being recorded

def endMeet():
    endButton = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(endButtonPath)
    print(colored(f"\nSuccessfully ended Google Meet #{meetIndex} @{timeStamp()}\n", "red"), end="")

def genericError():
    # clrscr()
    print(colored(" Failed!", "red"), end="")
    print("\n\nPossible fixes:\n")
    print("1.1 Make sure you have downloaded the latest version of MeetNinja from the GitHub page (every new iteration brings fixes and new capabilities)")
    print("1.2 Make sure you have pip-installed all the required python packages mentioned in the README")
    print("2.1 Check your inputs and run MeetNinja again (make sure there are no leading zeros in the Meet start times)")
    print("2.2 And / Or make sure you have chosen the correct webdriver file respective of your web browser and operating system")
    print("3. Make sure the generated web browser is not \"Minimized\" while MeetNinja is working")
    print("4.1. Make sure the webdriver file is of the latest stable build ( or")
    print("4.2. And / Or make sure your chosen web browser is updated to the latest version")
    print("4.3. And / Or make sure the webdriver file is at least of the same version as your chosen web browser (or lower)")
    print("5. Make sure the small \"time.sleep()\" delays (in seconds) in the login() and attendMeet() functions are comfortable for your internet speed")
    print("6. Make sure your internet connection is stable throughout the process")
    print("\nPress Enter to exit.")

def clrscr():
    if == 'posix':
        _ = os.system('clear')
        _ = os.system('cls')

def hibernate():
    print("\nHibernating in 10 seconds. Press Ctrl + C to abort.")
    _ = os.system('shutdown /h /f')

############### Main ###############

if __name__ == "__main__":



        DURATION *= 60
        driver = initBrowser()
        wait =, 5)
        action = ActionChains(driver)
        for meetIndex, (URL, rawTime) in enumerate(MEETS.items(), start=1):
            startTime = fixTimeFormat(rawTime)
            if (meetIndex <= 1):
                print(colored(f"Waiting until first Meet start time [{rawTime}]...", "yellow"), end="")
                print(colored(f"\n\nWaiting until next Meet start time [{rawTime}]...", "yellow"), end="")
            print(colored(" Started!", "green"))
            if (meetIndex <= 1):
        print("\n\nAll Meets completed successfully.")
        # hibernate()
        # Uncomment above to hibernate after a 10 second countdown upon completion of all Meets (Ctrl + C to abort hibernation)
        print("Press Enter to exit.")
        print("\nCleaning up and exiting...", end="")

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # clrscr()
        print("\n\nCTRL ^C\n\nThrew a wrench in the works.")
        print("Press Enter to exit.")
        print("\nCleaning up and exiting...", end="")
        # Uncomment above to display error traceback (use when reporting issues)
SHUR1K-N commented 3 years ago
#                        Meets                  HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY
MEETS = {"": "09:00:00 30/11/2020",

         # Add more Meet URLs (if any) using the same format as above

DURATION = 60 # Duration of each Meet in minutes
BROWSER_DRIVER = "Browser Driver Path Goes Here (options below)"

#                   Google Chrome
#             Mac: "ChromeDrivers/mac64/chromedriver"
  1. You are not using the correct format in MEETS. It is supposed to be {"1", including the serial number of the Meet, which would be 1 in this case since it is the first Meet
  2. You were supposed to substitute the "Browser Driver Path Goes Here (options below)" part with "ChromeDrivers/mac64/chromedriver"

# All required interactive elements' locators (text fields, buttons, etc.)
usernameFieldPath = ""
usernameNextButtonPath = "identifierNext"
passwordFieldPath = ""
passwordNextButtonPath = "passwordNext"
joinButton1Path = "//span[contains(text(), 'Join')]"
joinButton2Path = "//span[contains(text(), 'Ask to join')]"
endButtonPath = "[aria-label='Leave call']"
  1. You have also removed the selector paths from usernameFieldPath = "" and passwordFieldPath = ""; Just a heads up, since you probably did this assuming it has something to do with your actual login credentials while sharing this here

def fixTimeFormat(rawTime):
    rawTime = list(rawTime.split())
    times = list(map(int, rawTime[0].split(":")))
    dates = list(map(int, reversed(rawTime[1].split("/"))))
    startTime = date + times
    return startTime
  1. You have also removed the "s" from "dates" in the second to last line in this function. You will have to undo this as well

def initBrowser():
    print("\nInitializing browser...", end="")
    if BROWSER_DRIVER.lower().startswith(" chrome"):
        chromeOptions = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
        chromeOptions.add_experimental_option('excludeSwitches', ['enable-logging'])
        chromeOptions.add_experimental_option("prefs", {"profile.default_content_setting_values.media_stream_mic": 2,
                                                        "profile.default_content_setting_values.media_stream_camera": 2,
                                                        "profile.default_content_setting_values.notifications": 2
        driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=BROWSER_DRIVER, options=chromeOptions)
  1. You have also removed the return line from this function. You will have to undo this as well

Please follow the correct and simple steps in the Usage section of MeetNinja. You seem to have made too many changes to the code that you may not be able to understand the consequences of.

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago

do i have to put in my actual username and password in the usernamefieldpath and password field path

SHUR1K-N commented 3 years ago

No, you are supposed to leave it as it was initially. You should re-clone or re-download MeetNinja from scratch and only change what is shown in the simple documentation on the MeetNinja page. Kindly, read the previous comment of this thread, it has been updated with several additional errors in your modifications.

Please follow the correct and simple steps in the Usage section of MeetNinja. You seem to have made too many changes to the code that you may not be able to understand the consequences of.

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago

and I don't understand about removing the return line from the browser driver option?

SHUR1K-N commented 3 years ago

If you make changes that you cannot understand to the code, it is highly likely you will not get your desired outcome.

As suggested in my previous comment:

You should re-clone or re-download MeetNinja from scratch and only change what is shown in the simple documentation on the MeetNinja page. Kindly, read the previous² comment of this thread, it has been updated with several additional errors in your modifications.

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago

okay i am done with all you said but still it says the same thing?

Screenshot 2020-11-30 at 11 57 36 PM
SHUR1K-N commented 3 years ago

You may share your entire code here again. Make sure you censor/remove your login credentials. Only the USERNAME and PASSWORD variables, nothing else.

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python

from selenium import webdriver; import requests
from import expected_conditions as when
from import By as by
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
import pause; import os; import re
import time; from datetime import datetime
import colorama; from termcolor import colored


#                        Meets                  HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY
MEETS = {"1": "09:00:00 1/12/2020",

         # Add more Meet URLs (if any) using the same format as above

DURATION = 60 # Duration of each Meet in minutes
BROWSER_DRIVER = "ChromeDrivers/mac64/chromedriver"

#                   Google Chrome
#             Mac: "ChromeDrivers/mac64/chromedriver"

# All required interactive elements' locators (text fields, buttons, etc.)
usernameFieldPath = "identifierId"
usernameNextButtonPath = "identifierNext"
passwordFieldPath = "password"
passwordNextButtonPath = "passwordNext"
joinButton1Path = "//span[contains(text(), 'Join')]"
joinButton2Path = "//span[contains(text(), 'Ask to join')]"
endButtonPath = "[aria-label='Leave call']"

currentVersionNumber = "v3.0.0"
BANNER1 = colored('''
   ███▄ ▄███▓▓█████ ▓█████▄▄▄█████▓ ███▄    █  ██▓ ███▄    █  ▄▄▄██▀▀▀▄▄▄
  ▓██▒▀█▀ ██▒▓█   ▀ ▓█   ▀▓  ██▒ ▓▒ ██ ▀█   █ ▓██▒ ██ ▀█   █    ▒██  ▒████▄
  ▓██    ▓██░▒███   ▒███  ▒ ▓██░ ▒░▓██  ▀█ ██▒▒██▒▓██  ▀█ ██▒   ░██  ▒██  ▀█▄
  ▒██    ▒██ ▒▓█  ▄ ▒▓█  ▄░ ▓██▓ ░ ▓██▒  ▐▌██▒░██░▓██▒  ▐▌██▒▓██▄██▓ ░██▄▄▄▄██
  ▒██▒   ░██▒░▒████▒░▒████▒ ▒██▒ ░ ▒██░   ▓██░░██░▒██░   ▓██░ ▓███▒   ▓█   ▓██▒
  ░ ▒░   ░  ░░░ ▒░ ░░░ ▒░ ░ ▒ ░░   ░ ▒░   ▒ ▒ ░▓  ░ ▒░   ▒ ▒  ▒▓▒▒░   ▒▒   ▓▒█░
  ░  ░      ░ ░ ░  ░ ░ ░  ░   ░    ░ ░░   ░ ▒░ ▒ ░░ ░░   ░ ▒░ ▒ ░▒░    ▒   ▒▒ ░
  ░      ░      ░      ░    ░         ░   ░ ░  ▒ ░   ░   ░ ░  ░ ░ ░    ░   ▒
         ░      ░  ░   ░  ░                 ░  ░           ░  ░   ░        ░  ░''', 'blue')
BANNER2 = colored('''                    ------------------------------------''', 'blue')
BANNER3 = colored('''                    || MeetNinja: The Google Meet Bot ||''', 'red')
BANNER4 = colored('''                    ------------------------------------''', 'blue')

def printBanner():
    print(BANNER1), print(BANNER2), print(BANNER3), print(BANNER4)

def versionCheck():
    global currentVersionNumber

    print("\nChecking for MeetNinja updates...", end="")

    crawlVersionFile = requests.get(VERSION_CHECK_URL)
    crawlVersionFile = str(crawlVersionFile.content)
    crawlVersionFile = re.findall(r"([0-9]+)", crawlVersionFile)
    latestVersionNumber = int(''.join(crawlVersionFile))

    currentVersionNumber = re.findall(r"([0-9]+)", currentVersionNumber)
    currentVersionNumber = int(''.join(currentVersionNumber))

    if currentVersionNumber >= latestVersionNumber:
        print(colored(" You are using the latest version!\n", "green"))
    elif currentVersionNumber < latestVersionNumber:
        print(colored(" You are using an older version of MeetNinja.", "red"))
        print(colored("Get the latest version at", "yellow"))
        print(colored("Every new version comes with fixes, improvements, new features, etc..", "yellow"))
        print(colored("Please do not open an Issue if you see this message and have not yet tried the latest version.", "yellow"))

def fixTimeFormat(rawTime):
    rawTime = list(rawTime.split())
    times = list(map(int, rawTime[0].split(":")))
    dates = list(map(int, reversed(rawTime[1].split("/"))))
    startTime = dates + times
    return startTime

def timeStamp():
    timeNow = str(
    timeRegEx = re.findall(r"([0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+)", timeNow)

def initBrowser():
    print("\nInitializing browser...", end="")
    if BROWSER_DRIVER.lower().startswith("chrome"):
        chromeOptions = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
        chromeOptions.add_experimental_option('excludeSwitches', ['enable-logging'])
        chromeOptions.add_experimental_option("prefs", {"profile.default_content_setting_values.media_stream_mic": 2,
                                                        "profile.default_content_setting_values.media_stream_camera": 2,
                                                        "profile.default_content_setting_values.notifications": 2
        driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=BROWSER_DRIVER, options=chromeOptions)

    elif BROWSER_DRIVER.lower().startswith("firefox"):
        firefoxOptions = webdriver.FirefoxOptions()
        firefoxOptions.add_argument("--width=800"), firefoxOptions.add_argument("--height=800")
        # firefoxOptions.headless = True
        firefoxOptions.set_preference("layers.acceleration.disabled", True)
        firefoxOptions.set_preference("browser.privatebrowsing.autostart", True)
        firefoxOptions.set_preference("permissions.default.microphone", 2)
        firefoxOptions.set_preference("", 2)
        driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=BROWSER_DRIVER, options=firefoxOptions)
    print(colored(" Success!", "green"))

def login():
    print("Logging into Google account...", end="")

    usernameField = wait.until(when.element_to_be_clickable((by.ID, usernameFieldPath)))

    usernameNextButton = wait.until(when.element_to_be_clickable((by.ID, usernameNextButtonPath)))

    passwordField = wait.until(when.element_to_be_clickable((by.NAME, passwordFieldPath)))

    passwordNextButton = wait.until(when.element_to_be_clickable((by.ID, passwordNextButtonPath)))
    print(colored(" Success!", "green"))

def attendMeet():
    print(f"\n\nNavigating to Google Meet #{meetIndex}...", end="")
    print(colored(" Success!", "green"))
    print(f"Entering Google Meet #{meetIndex}...", end="")

        joinButton = wait.until(when.element_to_be_clickable((by.XPATH, joinButton1Path)))
        joinButton = wait.until(when.element_to_be_clickable((by.XPATH, joinButton2Path)))
    if BROWSER_DRIVER.lower().startswith("chrome"):

    print(colored(" Success!", "green"))
    print(colored(f"Now attending Google Meet #{meetIndex} @{timeStamp()}", "green"), end="")

        joinButton = wait.until(when.element_to_be_clickable((by.XPATH, joinButton1Path)))   # For another prompt that pops up for Meets being recorded

def endMeet():
    endButton = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(endButtonPath)
    print(colored(f"\nSuccessfully ended Google Meet #{meetIndex} @{timeStamp()}\n", "red"), end="")

def genericError():
    # clrscr()
    print(colored(" Failed!", "red"), end="")
    print("\n\nPossible fixes:\n")
    print("1.1 Make sure you have downloaded the latest version of MeetNinja from the GitHub page (every new iteration brings fixes and new capabilities)")
    print("1.2 Make sure you have pip-installed all the required python packages mentioned in the README")
    print("2.1 Check your inputs and run MeetNinja again (make sure there are no leading zeros in the Meet start times)")
    print("2.2 And / Or make sure you have chosen the correct webdriver file respective of your web browser and operating system")
    print("3. Make sure the generated web browser is not \"Minimized\" while MeetNinja is working")
    print("4.1. Make sure the webdriver file is of the latest stable build ( or")
    print("4.2. And / Or make sure your chosen web browser is updated to the latest version")
    print("4.3. And / Or make sure the webdriver file is at least of the same version as your chosen web browser (or lower)")
    print("5. Make sure the small \"time.sleep()\" delays (in seconds) in the login() and attendMeet() functions are comfortable for your internet speed")
    print("6. Make sure your internet connection is stable throughout the process")
    print("\nPress Enter to exit.")

def clrscr():
    if == 'posix':
        _ = os.system('clear')
        _ = os.system('cls')

def hibernate():
    print("\nHibernating in 10 seconds. Press Ctrl + C to abort.")
    _ = os.system('shutdown /h /f')

############### Main ###############

if __name__ == "__main__":



        DURATION *= 60
        driver = initBrowser()
        wait =, 5)
        action = ActionChains(driver)
        for meetIndex, (URL, rawTime) in enumerate(MEETS.items(), start=1):
            startTime = fixTimeFormat(rawTime)
            if (meetIndex <= 1):
                print(colored(f"Waiting until first Meet start time [{rawTime}]...", "yellow"), end="")
                print(colored(f"\n\nWaiting until next Meet start time [{rawTime}]...", "yellow"), end="")
            print(colored(" Started!", "green"))
            if (meetIndex <= 1):
        print("\n\nAll Meets completed successfully.")
        # hibernate()
        # Uncomment above to hibernate after a 10 second countdown upon completion of all Meets (Ctrl + C to abort hibernation)
        print("Press Enter to exit.")
        print("\nCleaning up and exiting...", end="")

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # clrscr()
        print("\n\nCTRL ^C\n\nThrew a wrench in the works.")
        print("Press Enter to exit.")
        print("\nCleaning up and exiting...", end="")
        # print(e)
        # Uncomment above to display error traceback (use when reporting issues)
SHUR1K-N commented 3 years ago

Code seems fine now.

Uncomment line #255 from

# print(e)

Now, the failure will show itself in the form of a traceback (error message) in the MeetNinja console window. You may then share this traceback here.

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago

there you go

Initializing browser...Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/common/", line 72, in start
    self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=self.env,
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/", line 854, in __init__
    self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/", line 1702, in _execute_child
    raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg, err_filename)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'ChromeDrivers/mac64/chromedriver'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/reeswar/Dropbox/My Mac (Reeswars-MacBook-Pro.local)/Downloads/MeetNinja-Google-Meet-Bot-master/", line 227, in <module>
    driver = initBrowser()
  File "/Users/reeswar/Dropbox/My Mac (Reeswars-MacBook-Pro.local)/Downloads/MeetNinja-Google-Meet-Bot-master/", line 111, in initBrowser
    driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=BROWSER_DRIVER, options=chromeOptions)
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/chrome/", line 73, in __init__
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/common/", line 86, in start
    raise WebDriverException(
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: 'chromedriver' executable may have wrong permissions. Please see

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/reeswar/Dropbox/My Mac (Reeswars-MacBook-Pro.local)/Downloads/MeetNinja-Google-Meet-Bot-master/", line 259, in <module>
NameError: name 'e' is not defined
SHUR1K-N commented 3 years ago

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'ChromeDrivers/mac64/chromedriver' selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: 'chromedriver' executable may have wrong permissions.

The "chromedriver" file in your ChromeDrivers/mac64/ directory does not have sufficient permissions to run on your system.

You can fix this by navigating to the ChromeDrivers/mac64/ directory, opening a Terminal window there, and executing the following command: sudo chmod 777 chromedriver

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago

it says no such file or directory

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago

i can only open chromedriver in editor not in terminal

SHUR1K-N commented 3 years ago

Can you share a screenshot of your Terminal window after executing the sudo chmod 777 chromedriver command? Also, help me with the path of where you have cloned/downloaded MeetNinja.

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago

oh wait i replaced the chromedriver file and now its working but it stopped at chrome and says it's being controlled by automated test software

SHUR1K-N commented 3 years ago

MeetNinja opens a new Google Chrome window that is in Developer Mode, so that MeeNinja can work on it. If it is stuck as you mentioned, you may share a screenshot of the MeetNinja console window and the newly generated Chrome window.

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago
Screenshot 2020-12-01 at 12 25 18 AM Screenshot 2020-12-01 at 12 25 27 AM
SHUR1K-N commented 3 years ago

Yes, as it says in the MeetNinja console window, it is waiting for the first Meet to start. You have set your first Meet's time to 09:00:00 1/12/2020, and that is when it will start.

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago

okay, i changed the time for now like 12.30 in my country but it didn't start? It said the same thing

SHUR1K-N commented 3 years ago

Can you share your current date and time, and also your first Meet's new date and time?

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago
Screenshot 2020-12-01 at 12 34 21 AM Screenshot 2020-12-01 at 12 34 51 AM
SHUR1K-N commented 3 years ago

Strange. The scheduling in MeetNinja solely relies on only your system time, using the datetime package.

Does the MeetNinja console window still just stay at "Waiting until first Meet start time [12:30:00 1/12/2020]..."?

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago

yes bro it still says waiting

Screenshot 2020-12-01 at 12 45 52 AM
SHUR1K-N commented 3 years ago

Since your current time is 12:34:21AM, the Meet time is to be set as 00:30:00 (24-hour format) instead of 12:30:00. 12:30:00 in the 24-hour format would mean 12:30PM (12-hour format) in the afternoon.

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago

okay testing on it

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago

great bro its working ...thanks

SHUR1K-N commented 3 years ago

Do report here if everything's working as intended so this Issue could then be closed.

Edit: Awesome! [Closed]

reeswar21 commented 3 years ago

I am sorry for the trouble that I gave you and also this was a brilliant work from you..all the credits to you. print("thank you so much!")