Closed Narfianer closed 4 weeks ago
I tried 10 times to install the image from jayofelony, but it always failed. I tried different versions and also used different programs, like BalenaEtcher and also the Raspberry Pi Imager as described in the instructions. Does it really only work on this version?
I copied the plugins into the folder as described in the video, using FileZilla.
I'll try that, but if point one is wrong, then that's probably the reason
Can't say for sure, but this project's only been tested on jayofelony's 2–3 latest image versions. Also, worth noting that at least 2 people have reported similar issues and they were running other/older images.
Closing this for now. I recommend figuring out flashing jayofelony's v2.8.9 image before trying this project. If you still have issues after flashing the recommended image, you can re-open this Issue or create a new one. Good luck! :)
Unfortunately, I only got around to continuing yesterday. It was my mistake, of course. I tried to install the image on my Zero W using the Raspberry Imager, but I always selected Zero 2 W as the hardware, so it didn't work. Now I've got the Pwnagotchi working, but unfortunately the better_quickdic is still not displayed, even though it's installed.
better_quickdic has pretty much no on-screen presence (other than when a handshake is cracked). Or do you mean you don't see the plugin toggle altogether in the web UI's plugins tab?
Sorry, but I can't get as involved with the Pwnagotchi as I would like. The button doesn't exist and I can't really activate it.
Make sure the file exists in /usr/local/share/pwnagotchi/custom-plugins/
and that config.toml has the following lines:
main.plugins.better_quickdic.enabled = true
main.plugins.better_quickdic.face = "(·ω·)"
main.plugins.better_quickdic.wordlist_folder = "/home/pi/wordlists/"
main.plugins.better_quickdic.api = "" = ""
My config.toml: