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[BUG?] AMS 2 fuel and leaderboard calculation #1254

Closed FullPace closed 11 months ago

FullPace commented 1 year ago

I play a lot of AMS2 lately and I know they change a lot of stuff at the moment, so I'm not sure if it's a really bug.

Sometimes the calculations don't work.

For example mid race I get a low fuel alert but there are still 20L left in the tank. Computed values like average Liters per lap, current comsumption or laps remaining show zero anyway. This happens accross multiple dashboards.

I have a short replay saved when it showed 0 for computed values, if that helps.

For the leaderboards I often need to drive a complete lap until they are calculated. once they are calculated and I restart the session it works right ahead.

FullPace commented 1 year ago

Did you have any chance to investigate this yet? This still happens in every other race. I also realized checkered flags are shown only in 2 out of 10 races.

FullPace commented 1 year ago

Latest update of AMS2 might have brought an improvement. In last race fuel calculation was working and also checkered flags seem to be much more reliable. Will test leaderboards tonight. Hopefully Reiza improved the telemetry quality.

SHWotever commented 1 year ago

Hello I did not had a chance to look at it, but just in case something went wrong do not hesitate to keep the log files, every time simhub will aggregate some data to estimate the consumption it will write a log (fuel stats aggregated etc..) in theory it's made to avoid false positives breaking estimates such as pits, refuel, teleportation etc ... one security I had to remove is negative consumption for electric cars with regen , if we are in such case it will be visible from the logs