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Missing variables in PersistantTrackerPlugin search list. #1598

Closed sdhengsoft closed 1 month ago

sdhengsoft commented 2 months ago

SimHub Version 9.2.12

Variables like:

PersistantTrackerPlugin.DriverAhead_00_Gap PersistantTrackerPlugin.DriverAhead_00_Name PersistantTrackerPlugin.DriverBehind_00_Gap PersistantTrackerPlugin.DriverBehind_00_Name

Seem to be missing from the property list when trying to search for them. They do seem to work inside the code with no trouble. You just can't see them in the property list when searching for them.

SHWotever commented 2 months ago

Hi ! All those properties have been deprecated in favour of a set of functions giving access to all the existing data no matter if it's in a "ahead behind" format or the more conventional leaderboard format :

To avoid breaking existing creations the properties are still working but are not listed anymore I'm favour of the more feature rich functions set.

sdhengsoft commented 2 months ago

Ahh, perfect. Thanks for that.

sdhengsoft commented 1 month ago

I tried the new function methods, but I'm having trouble getting driver gap information. I'm just trying to get the time gap of the car directly ahead and behind my position on track. I tried this:

var driverPos = getopponentleaderboardposition_aheadbehind( -1); var tGap = drivergaptoplayer( driverPos);

This works great during a "Race" session type. However, no data is returned for "Practice" or "Qualifying" session types.


var tGap = $prop( 'PersistantTrackerPlugin.DriverAhead_00_Gap');

returns valid data in all session types.

Any thoughts? I also tried the function driverrelativegaptoplayer( driverPos). Not sure what the intended difference is between these two calls (they are different values), but both only have data during a race. The 1st function matches the gaps reported in R3E leaderboard exactly.

SHWotever commented 1 month ago

Hello ! Apparently you were close :


should give the same result as before, the only difference is that the lack of data is clearly available now returning null instead of 0 when nobody is in front (front being up to 50% of the lap in front)

sdhengsoft commented 1 month ago

Okay, I thought I tried this one. I'll give is another try and get back with a comment. Thanks.

sdhengsoft commented 1 month ago

Ha! Thanks for that. I can see the subtle error now. This is the code I had:

var driverPos = getopponentleaderboardposition_aheadbehind( -1);
var tGap = drivergaptoplayer( driverPos);
if ( tGap == null) {
  tGap = driverrelativegaptoplayer( driverPos);
return tGap;

Just had to change the tGap == null to tGap == 0. I was expecting the null return. Whoops!

Also, it looks like I may not need the IF section at all and just use:

return driverrelativegaptoplayer( getopponentleaderboardposition_aheadbehind( -1));

But I'll check the time gap matches the R3E values when I race next.

Thanks again.