SHWotever / SimHub

Multi sim dashboard, bass shaker driver, ....
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Live maps in rFactor2 #459

Closed sonicviz closed 4 years ago

sonicviz commented 4 years ago

I've had to revert back to SimHub.6.09.1 to get live and global maps to work properly in rFactor 2. In the last two updates .2 & .3 they don't refresh properly even after deleting and re-adding them, the car icons are all over the place. V .1 works fine though.

SHWotever commented 4 years ago

Hi ! I did several tests with no issues so far, Maybe something specific is happening in your case.

Could you send me the log files after trying to generate the maps,(logs are stored in C:\Program Files (x86)\SimHub\Logs) Also getting a replay using "record" would be amazing so I can see exactly what data is used to generate the map : image

The records are stored in C:\Program Files (x86)\SimHub\Replays\RFactor2 You can upload the files in various services like mediafire, google drive ...

Let me know, Nicolas

sonicviz commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I've already reverted and I'm not going to reinstall them. I tested it on both .2 & .3 and had the same issue, reinstalled .1 and it's back to normal for me. Not sure why I can't attach files here but I don't have time to dick around with external file services at the moment so just copying them here.

Here's the Hud I'm using.

{ "OverlayLayoutParts": [ { "DashboardName": "DashTemplates\RF2 - Tyre temps\RF2 - Tyre temps.djson", "Top": 916.0, "Left": 1265.0, "Width": 168.0, "Height": 159.0, "Placed": true, "Transparent": false, "FileName": null }, { "DashboardName": "DashTemplates\SimHub - Mini Leaderboard\SimHub - Mini Leaderboard.djson", "Top": 11.0, "Left": 1462.0, "Width": 453.0, "Height": 130.0, "Placed": true, "Transparent": false, "FileName": null }, { "DashboardName": "DashTemplates\SimHub - Hud 1\SimHub - Hud 1.djson", "Top": 861.0, "Left": 672.0, "Width": 575.0, "Height": 216.0, "Placed": true, "Transparent": false, "FileName": null }, { "DashboardName": "DashTemplates\RF2 - DeltaBar\RF2 - DeltaBar.djson", "Top": 28.0, "Left": 695.0, "Width": 502.0, "Height": 117.0, "Placed": true, "Transparent": false, "FileName": null }, { "DashboardName": "DashTemplates\Radar\Radar.djson", "Top": 11.0, "Left": 1206.0, "Width": 250.0, "Height": 250.0, "Placed": true, "Transparent": false, "FileName": null }, { "DashboardName": "DashTemplates\AT_BreaksTemps\AT_BreaksTemps.djson", "Top": 857.0, "Left": 1258.0, "Width": 178.0, "Height": 50.0, "Placed": true, "Transparent": false, "FileName": null }, { "DashboardName": "DashTemplates\SimHub - Live map\SimHub - Live map.djson", "Top": 762.0, "Left": 353.0, "Width": 300.0, "Height": 310.0, "Placed": true, "Transparent": false, "FileName": null }, { "DashboardName": "DashTemplates\SimHub - Global map\SimHub - Global map.djson", "Top": 763.0, "Left": 40.0, "Width": 300.0, "Height": 310.0, "Placed": true, "Transparent": false, "FileName": null } ], "EditMode": true, "HideWhenNotInRace": true, "Screen": { "WorkingArea": "0, 0, 1920, 1050", "Primary": true, "DeviceName": "\\.\DISPLAY1", "Bounds": "0, 0, 1920, 1080", "BitsPerPixel": 32 }, "FileName": "RF2 HUD2" }

Here's a log from one of the failed runs this morning before I reinstalled V .1: [2019-12-22 20:04:03,592] INFO - Starting SimHub v6.9.2 (build time : 22/12/2019 04:41:18) [2019-12-22 20:04:03,601] INFO - Administrator privileges : True [2019-12-22 20:04:03,605] INFO - OS version : Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.18363.0, Windows 10.0.18363 [2019-12-22 20:04:03,605] INFO - License status : Free [2019-12-22 20:04:03,606] INFO - Process priority : Normal [2019-12-22 20:04:07,132] INFO - (Re)Starting RFactor2 Game Manager and plugin manager [2019-12-22 20:04:07,135] INFO - Creating RFactor 2 game manager (RfactorReader.RF2Manager) [2019-12-22 20:04:07,166] INFO - RFactor2 game manager created [2019-12-22 20:04:07,170] INFO - Checking configuration status for RFactor2 [2019-12-22 20:04:07,211] INFO - Configuration status for RFactor2: GameConfigured [2019-12-22 20:04:07,211] INFO - Creating plugin manager [2019-12-22 20:04:08,473] INFO - JoystickManager : Starting game controllers detection [2019-12-22 20:04:08,602] INFO - JoystickManager : Found Controller_(Xbox_One_For_Windows) [2019-12-22 20:04:08,608] INFO - Loading font list [2019-12-22 20:04:08,612] INFO - JoystickManager : End of detection [2019-12-22 20:04:09,428] INFO - Starting Arduino in Single USB mode [2019-12-22 20:04:09,453] INFO - Matrix custom font custommatrixfont8x8 loaded [2019-12-22 20:04:09,584] INFO - Web suggested IP : [2019-12-22 20:04:09,654] INFO - Regenerating Web font-faces [2019-12-22 20:04:13,708] INFO - Font list loading successful [2019-12-22 20:04:13,713] INFO - Loading plugins controls [2019-12-22 20:04:14,092] INFO - Game connected [2019-12-22 20:04:14,119] INFO - Game successfully loaded [2019-12-22 20:04:14,228] INFO - All time best found : 00:02:04.9750000 recorded at 12/22/2019 12:19:35 AM [2019-12-22 20:04:18,058] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:04:19,158] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-22 20:04:24,559] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 20:04:25,750] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-22 20:04:25,958] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-22 20:04:26,110] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-22 20:04:26,164] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-22 20:04:28,858] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:04:28,959] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 20:05:13,560] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-22 20:05:13,564] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-22 20:05:13,564] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 50.00 [2019-12-22 20:05:13,572] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-22 20:05:33,059] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:05:33,159] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 20:06:28,258] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-22 20:06:28,258] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-22 20:06:28,258] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 50.00 [2019-12-22 20:06:29,259] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-22 20:06:59,058] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:07:10,060] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 20:07:12,758] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:07:12,858] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 20:07:20,158] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:07:20,259] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 20:07:41,659] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-22 20:07:41,660] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-22 20:07:41,660] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 50.00 [2019-12-22 20:07:41,670] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-22 20:07:43,759] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:07:43,859] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 20:09:11,061] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:09:16,158] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 20:09:21,058] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:09:59,860] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 20:10:25,158] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:10:56,159] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 20:12:02,458] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:12:13,960] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 20:12:23,658] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:12:23,758] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 20:14:32,059] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-22 20:14:32,060] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-22 20:14:32,060] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 20.00 [2019-12-22 20:14:32,077] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-22 20:14:39,058] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:14:52,359] INFO - Game disconnected [2019-12-22 20:14:57,457] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-22 20:45:20,266] INFO - [WatchDog] Stacks dump : { "1": [ null, ".IL_STUB_PInvoke", null, "MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.GetMessageW", "System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.GetMessage", "System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.PushFrameImpl", "System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.PushFrame", "System.Windows.Application.RunDispatcher", "System.Windows.Application.RunInternal", "System.Windows.Application.Run", "System.Windows.Application.Run", "SimHubWPF.App.Main", null ], "2": [], "3": [], "5": [], "6": [], "7": [], "8": [], "10": [], "11": [], "13": [ "System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOneNative", "System.Threading.WaitHandle.InternalWaitOne", "System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne", "System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne", "System.Management.MTAHelper.WorkerThread", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "19": [], "20": [], "21": [ "System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal", "System.Threading.Thread.Sleep", "NAudio.CoreAudioApi.WasapiCapture.DoRecording", "NAudio.CoreAudioApi.WasapiCapture.CaptureThread", "NAudio.CoreAudioApi.WasapiCapture.b35_0", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "22": [], "15": [], "14": [], "23": [ "System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal", "System.Threading.Thread.Sleep", "SerialDash.ComportScanner+<>c.b22_0", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "26": [ null, "SharpDX.DirectInput.Device.GetDeviceState", "SharpDX.DirectInput.CustomDevice<System.Canon,SharpDX.DirectInput.RawJoystickState,SharpDX.DirectInput.JoystickUpdate>.GetCurrentState", "SharpDX.DirectInput.CustomDevice<System.Canon,SharpDX.DirectInput.RawJoystickState,SharpDX.DirectInput.JoystickUpdate>.GetCurrentState", "ACToolsUtilities.JoystickManagerSlimDX.GetState", "SimHub.Plugins.InputPlugins.JoystickPlugin.timer_Elapsed", "SimHub.Plugins.InputPlugins.JoystickPlugin.b20_1", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "25": [], "27": [], "28": [], "29": [], "30": [], "31": [], "32": [ null, ".IL_STUB_PInvoke", "OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.Nvidia.NvidiaGPU.GetClocks", "OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.Nvidia.NvidiaGPU.Update", "SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfo.SystemInfoPlugin.UpdateSensors", "SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfo.SystemInfoPlugin.PollSensorsData", "SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfo.SystemInfoPlugin.b31_0", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecutionContextCallback", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntry", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWorkItem", "System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch", "System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback", null ], "33": [], "34": [], "24": [], "35": [ null, "System.Threading.Monitor.ObjWait", "System.Threading.Monitor.Wait", "System.Threading.Monitor.Wait", "System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim.Wait", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.SpinThenBlockingWait", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InternalWait", "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification", "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.WebHostExtensions.Run", "SimHub.Plugins.Web.KestrelStartup.RunWebHost", "SimHub.Plugins.Web.KestrelStartup+<>cDisplayClass5_0.b0", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "36": [], "37": [ null, ".IL_STUB_PInvoke", null, "System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.RequestForegroundProcessing", "System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.CriticalRequestProcessing", "System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.InvokeAsyncImpl", "System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync", "SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin.DataUpdate", "SimHub.Plugins.PluginManager.manager_DataUpdated", "GameReaderCommon.DataUpdatedDelegate.Invoke", "GameReaderCommon.GameManagerBase<System.Canon,System.Canon,System.Canon>.SendDataUpdatedEvent", "GameReaderCommon.GameManagerBase<System.Canon,System.Canon,System.Canon>.PollLoop", "GameReaderCommon.GameLoop.MainLoop", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStartContext", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "16": [] } [2019-12-22 20:45:21,180] ERROR - JoystickManager : Error during reading of Controller(Xbox_One_For_Windows) SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x8007001E], Module: [SharpDX.DirectInput], ApiCode: [DIERR_INPUTLOST/InputLost], Message: The system cannot read from the specified device.

at SharpDX.Result.CheckError() at SharpDX.DirectInput.Device.GetDeviceState(Int32 arg0, IntPtr arg1) at SharpDX.DirectInput.CustomDevice3.GetCurrentState(T& data) at SharpDX.DirectInput.CustomDevice3.GetCurrentState() at ACToolsUtilities.JoystickManagerSlimDX.GetState() [2019-12-22 20:45:23,831] INFO - JoystickManager : Starting game controllers detection [2019-12-22 20:45:25,606] INFO - [WatchDog] Abnormal Inactivity detected [2019-12-22 20:45:25,606] INFO - Check main loop thread result :False [2019-12-22 20:45:25,690] INFO - JoystickManager : End of detection [2019-12-22 20:45:26,107] INFO - [WatchDog] Abnormal Inactivity recovered [2019-12-22 20:45:28,805] INFO - JoystickManager : Starting game controllers detection [2019-12-22 20:45:29,044] INFO - JoystickManager : Found Controller_(Xbox_One_For_Windows) [2019-12-22 20:45:29,046] INFO - JoystickManager : End of detection [2019-12-22 20:45:36,660] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-22 20:46:35,857] INFO - Game connected [2019-12-22 20:46:35,865] INFO - All time best found : 00:02:04.9750000 recorded at 12/22/2019 12:19:35 AM [2019-12-22 20:46:35,879] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-22 20:46:36,022] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-22 20:46:36,024] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-22 20:46:36,075] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-22 20:46:36,957] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:46:40,857] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-22 20:47:26,658] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 20:52:39,957] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:52:40,057] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 20:55:02,058] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-22 20:55:02,058] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-22 20:55:02,058] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 17.69 [2019-12-22 20:57:08,658] INFO - New valid lap detected [2019-12-22 20:57:08,658] INFO - Storing lap consumption : 2.19 [2019-12-22 20:57:08,663] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 15.51 [2019-12-22 20:57:08,665] INFO - Old map quality score : 7 / New map quality score : 6 [2019-12-22 20:57:08,695] INFO - Delta vs previous all-time best :1.725 [2019-12-22 20:57:08,695] INFO - Delta vs previous session best :0 [2019-12-22 20:57:08,695] INFO - New session best recorded 00:02:06.7000000 [2019-12-22 20:57:52,958] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-22 20:57:53,358] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-22 20:57:53,358] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-22 20:57:53,358] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 20.00 [2019-12-22 20:57:54,458] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-22 20:57:59,957] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:58:20,557] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 20:58:20,558] INFO - Session restarted [2019-12-22 20:58:20,558] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-22 20:58:20,562] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-22 20:58:20,562] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 20.00 [2019-12-22 20:58:20,568] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-22 20:58:20,586] INFO - All time best found : 00:02:26.4320000 recorded at 12/19/2019 10:28:41 PM [2019-12-22 20:58:20,689] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-22 20:58:20,830] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-22 20:58:20,881] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-22 20:58:20,931] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-22 20:58:21,557] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:58:42,758] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 20:59:46,658] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 20:59:46,758] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 21:02:46,958] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-22 21:02:46,958] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-22 21:02:46,958] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 26.41 [2019-12-22 21:05:29,761] INFO - New valid lap detected [2019-12-22 21:05:29,761] INFO - Storing lap consumption : 1.54 [2019-12-22 21:05:29,762] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 24.87 [2019-12-22 21:05:29,763] INFO - Old map quality score : 7 / New map quality score : 7 [2019-12-22 21:05:29,770] INFO - Delta vs previous all-time best :16.196 [2019-12-22 21:05:29,770] INFO - Delta vs previous session best :0 [2019-12-22 21:05:29,770] INFO - New session best recorded 00:02:42.6280000 [2019-12-22 21:05:35,858] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-22 21:05:36,458] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-22 21:05:36,458] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-22 21:05:36,458] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 28.00 [2019-12-22 21:05:37,561] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-22 21:06:40,957] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 21:06:41,058] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 21:08:32,858] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-22 21:08:32,858] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-22 21:08:32,858] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 28.00 [2019-12-22 21:08:33,957] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-22 21:08:37,757] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 21:08:46,559] INFO - Game disconnected [2019-12-22 21:08:51,656] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-22 22:16:57,057] INFO - Game connected [2019-12-22 22:16:57,066] INFO - All time best found : 00:02:26.4320000 recorded at 12/19/2019 10:28:41 PM [2019-12-22 22:16:57,081] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-22 22:16:57,225] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-22 22:16:57,227] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-22 22:16:57,309] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-22 22:16:58,156] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 22:17:02,057] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-22 22:17:17,458] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 22:18:40,157] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 22:20:51,160] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 22:20:54,457] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 22:20:54,558] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 22:23:48,958] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-22 22:23:48,958] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-22 22:23:48,958] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 26.59 [2019-12-22 22:24:32,058] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-22 22:24:32,358] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-22 22:24:32,358] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-22 22:24:32,358] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 28.00 [2019-12-22 22:24:33,358] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-22 22:25:01,358] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 22:25:01,557] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 22:25:24,358] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-22 22:25:24,358] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-22 22:25:24,358] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 28.00 [2019-12-22 22:25:25,358] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-22 22:25:27,457] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 22:25:27,557] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 22:25:29,657] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 22:25:34,358] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 22:25:42,457] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 22:25:51,535] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-22 22:25:51,681] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-22 22:25:59,406] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-22 22:25:59,464] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-22 22:26:10,557] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-22 22:28:58,158] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-22 22:28:58,158] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-22 22:28:58,158] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 26.58 [2019-12-22 22:31:30,958] INFO - New valid lap detected [2019-12-22 22:31:30,958] INFO - Storing lap consumption : 1.42 [2019-12-22 22:31:30,963] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 25.16 [2019-12-22 22:31:30,963] INFO - Old map quality score : 7 / New map quality score : 7 [2019-12-22 22:31:30,969] INFO - Delta vs previous all-time best :6.335 [2019-12-22 22:31:30,970] INFO - Delta vs previous session best :0 [2019-12-22 22:31:30,970] INFO - New session best recorded 00:02:32.7670000 [2019-12-22 22:32:10,962] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-22 22:32:10,962] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 28.00 [2019-12-22 22:32:10,968] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-22 22:32:19,057] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-22 22:32:32,361] INFO - Game disconnected [2019-12-22 22:32:37,457] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-23 00:09:41,015] INFO - [WatchDog] Stacks dump : { "1": [], "2": [], "3": [], "5": [], "6": [], "7": [], "8": [], "10": [], "11": [], "13": [ "System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOneNative", "System.Threading.WaitHandle.InternalWaitOne", "System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne", "System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne", "System.Management.MTAHelper.WorkerThread", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "21": [ "System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal", "System.Threading.Thread.Sleep", "NAudio.CoreAudioApi.WasapiCapture.DoRecording", "NAudio.CoreAudioApi.WasapiCapture.CaptureThread", "NAudio.CoreAudioApi.WasapiCapture.b35_0", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "15": [], "14": [], "23": [ "System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal", "System.Threading.Thread.Sleep", "SerialDash.ComportScanner+<>c.b22_0", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "26": [ null, "SharpDX.DirectInput.Device.GetDeviceState", "SharpDX.DirectInput.CustomDevice<System.Canon,SharpDX.DirectInput.RawJoystickState,SharpDX.DirectInput.JoystickUpdate>.GetCurrentState", "SharpDX.DirectInput.CustomDevice<System.Canon,SharpDX.DirectInput.RawJoystickState,SharpDX.DirectInput.JoystickUpdate>.GetCurrentState", "ACToolsUtilities.JoystickManagerSlimDX.GetState", "SimHub.Plugins.InputPlugins.JoystickPlugin.timer_Elapsed", "SimHub.Plugins.InputPlugins.JoystickPlugin.b20_1", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "25": [], "27": [], "28": [], "29": [], "30": [], "31": [], "32": [], "33": [], "34": [ null, ".IL_STUB_PInvoke", "OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.Nvidia.NvidiaGPU.GetClocks", "OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.Nvidia.NvidiaGPU.Update", "SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfo.SystemInfoPlugin.UpdateSensors", "SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfo.SystemInfoPlugin.PollSensorsData", "SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfo.SystemInfoPlugin.b31_0", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecutionContextCallback", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntry", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWorkItem", "System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch", "System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback", null ], "24": [], "35": [ null, "System.Threading.Monitor.ObjWait", "System.Threading.Monitor.Wait", "System.Threading.Monitor.Wait", "System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim.Wait", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.SpinThenBlockingWait", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InternalWait", "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification", "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.WebHostExtensions.Run", "SimHub.Plugins.Web.KestrelStartup.RunWebHost", "SimHub.Plugins.Web.KestrelStartup+<>cDisplayClass5_0.b0", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "36": [], "37": [ null, ".IL_STUB_PInvoke", null, "System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.RequestForegroundProcessing", "System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.CriticalRequestProcessing", "System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.InvokeAsyncImpl", "System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync", "SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin.DataUpdate", "SimHub.Plugins.PluginManager.manager_DataUpdated", "GameReaderCommon.DataUpdatedDelegate.Invoke", "GameReaderCommon.GameManagerBase<System.Canon,System.Canon,System.Canon>.SendDataUpdatedEvent", "GameReaderCommon.GameManagerBase<System.Canon,System.Canon,System.Canon>.PollLoop", "GameReaderCommon.GameLoop.MainLoop", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStartContext", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "9": [], "20": [], "4": [], "16": [] } [2019-12-23 00:09:41,015] INFO - [WatchDog] Abnormal Inactivity detected [2019-12-23 00:09:41,015] INFO - Check main loop thread result :False [2019-12-23 00:09:42,038] ERROR - JoystickManager : Error during reading of Controller(Xbox_One_For_Windows) SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x8007001E], Module: [SharpDX.DirectInput], ApiCode: [DIERR_INPUTLOST/InputLost], Message: The system cannot read from the specified device.

at SharpDX.Result.CheckError() at SharpDX.DirectInput.Device.GetDeviceState(Int32 arg0, IntPtr arg1) at SharpDX.DirectInput.CustomDevice3.GetCurrentState(T& data) at SharpDX.DirectInput.CustomDevice3.GetCurrentState() at ACToolsUtilities.JoystickManagerSlimDX.GetState() [2019-12-23 00:09:42,516] INFO - [WatchDog] Abnormal Inactivity recovered [2019-12-23 00:09:44,691] INFO - JoystickManager : Starting game controllers detection [2019-12-23 00:09:44,816] INFO - JoystickManager : End of detection [2019-12-23 00:09:52,193] INFO - JoystickManager : Starting game controllers detection [2019-12-23 00:09:52,320] INFO - JoystickManager : Found Controller_(Xbox_One_ForWindows) [2019-12-23 00:09:52,323] INFO - JoystickManager : End of detection [2019-12-23 00:09:57,653] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-23 01:16:23,353] INFO - Game connected [2019-12-23 01:16:23,362] INFO - All time best found : 00:02:26.4320000 recorded at 12/19/2019 10:28:41 PM [2019-12-23 01:16:23,376] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-23 01:16:23,525] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-23 01:16:23,526] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-23 01:16:23,616] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-23 01:16:24,353] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-23 01:16:28,453] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-23 01:16:43,054] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-23 01:17:48,753] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-23 01:17:48,855] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-23 01:20:12,258] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-23 01:20:12,258] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-23 01:20:12,258] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 28.00 [2019-12-23 01:20:12,264] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-23 01:20:51,754] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-23 01:20:51,854] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-23 01:23:45,854] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-23 01:23:45,854] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-23 01:23:45,854] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 26.54 [2019-12-23 01:27:01,955] INFO - New valid lap detected [2019-12-23 01:27:01,955] INFO - Storing lap consumption : 1.59 [2019-12-23 01:27:01,959] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 24.96 [2019-12-23 01:27:01,960] INFO - Old map quality score : 7 / New map quality score : 6 [2019-12-23 01:27:01,969] INFO - Delta vs previous all-time best :49.752 [2019-12-23 01:27:01,969] INFO - Delta vs previous session best :0 [2019-12-23 01:27:01,969] INFO - New session best recorded 00:03:16.1840000 [2019-12-23 01:29:32,155] INFO - New valid lap detected [2019-12-23 01:29:32,155] INFO - Storing lap consumption : 1.40 [2019-12-23 01:29:32,159] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 23.56 [2019-12-23 01:29:32,160] INFO - Old map quality score : 7 / New map quality score : 6 [2019-12-23 01:29:32,176] INFO - Delta vs previous all-time best :3.68 [2019-12-23 01:29:32,176] INFO - Delta vs previous session best :-46.072 [2019-12-23 01:29:32,176] INFO - New session best recorded 00:02:30.1120000 [2019-12-23 01:31:08,555] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-23 01:31:08,555] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 28.00 [2019-12-23 01:31:08,564] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-23 01:31:22,253] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-23 01:31:32,154] INFO - Game disconnected [2019-12-23 01:31:37,253] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-23 08:08:39,598] ERROR - JoystickManager : Error during reading of Controller(Xbox_One_For_Windows) SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x8007001E], Module: [SharpDX.DirectInput], ApiCode: [DIERR_INPUTLOST/InputLost], Message: The system cannot read from the specified device.

at SharpDX.Result.CheckError() at SharpDX.DirectInput.Device.GetDeviceState(Int32 arg0, IntPtr arg1) at SharpDX.DirectInput.CustomDevice3.GetCurrentState(T& data) at SharpDX.DirectInput.CustomDevice3.GetCurrentState() at ACToolsUtilities.JoystickManagerSlimDX.GetState() [2019-12-23 08:08:41,226] INFO - JoystickManager : Starting game controllers detection [2019-12-23 08:08:41,333] INFO - JoystickManager : Found Controller_(Xbox_One_For_Windows) [2019-12-23 08:08:41,367] INFO - JoystickManager : End of detection [2019-12-23 08:08:41,716] INFO - [WatchDog] Stacks dump : { "1": [ null, ".IL_STUB_PInvoke", null, "System.Windows.Interop.HwndTarget.DoPaint", null, null, ".IL_STUB_PInvoke", null, "MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.GetMessageW", "System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.GetMessage", "System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.PushFrameImpl", "System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.PushFrame", "System.Windows.Application.RunDispatcher", "System.Windows.Application.RunInternal", "System.Windows.Application.Run", "System.Windows.Application.Run", "SimHubWPF.App.Main", null ], "2": [ null ], "3": [], "5": [], "6": [], "7": [], "8": [], "10": [], "11": [], "13": [ "System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOneNative", "System.Threading.WaitHandle.InternalWaitOne", "System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne", "System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne", "System.Management.MTAHelper.WorkerThread", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "21": [ "System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal", "System.Threading.Thread.Sleep", "NAudio.CoreAudioApi.WasapiCapture.DoRecording", "NAudio.CoreAudioApi.WasapiCapture.CaptureThread", "NAudio.CoreAudioApi.WasapiCapture.b35_0", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "15": [], "14": [], "23": [ "System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal", "System.Threading.Thread.Sleep", "SerialDash.ComportScanner+<>c.b22_0", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "26": [ "System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal", "System.Threading.Thread.Sleep", "SimHub.Plugins.InputPlugins.JoystickPlugin.b20_1", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "25": [], "27": [], "28": [], "29": [], "30": [], "31": [], "32": [], "33": [], "34": [], "24": [], "35": [ null, "System.Threading.Monitor.ObjWait", "System.Threading.Monitor.Wait", "System.Threading.Monitor.Wait", "System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim.Wait", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.SpinThenBlockingWait", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InternalWait", "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification", "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.WebHostExtensions.Run", "SimHub.Plugins.Web.KestrelStartup.RunWebHost", "SimHub.Plugins.Web.KestrelStartup+<>cDisplayClass5_0.b__0", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "36": [], "37": [], "4": [], "9": [], "22": [] } [2019-12-23 08:08:42,067] INFO - [WatchDog] Abnormal Inactivity detected [2019-12-23 08:08:42,068] INFO - Check main loop thread result :False [2019-12-23 08:08:42,568] INFO - [WatchDog] Abnormal Inactivity recovered [2019-12-23 08:08:45,438] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-23 08:08:56,138] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-23 09:02:52,511] INFO - Application exit [2019-12-23 09:02:52,651] INFO - Stopping game manager [2019-12-23 09:02:52,733] INFO - Stopping plugin manager [2019-12-23 09:02:52,751] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.DataCore.DataCorePlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:52,766] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.DataCore.DataCorePlugin plugin settings saved [2019-12-23 09:02:52,766] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfosProvider [2019-12-23 09:02:52,772] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfosProvider plugin settings saved [2019-12-23 09:02:52,772] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITBSV3Plugin [2019-12-23 09:02:53,387] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITBSV3Plugin plugin settings saved [2019-12-23 09:02:53,387] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITMotorsV3Plugin [2019-12-23 09:02:53,950] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITMotorsV3Plugin plugin settings saved [2019-12-23 09:02:53,950] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Nextion.NextionPlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,064] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Nextion.NextionPlugin plugin settings saved [2019-12-23 09:02:54,064] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,125] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin plugin settings saved [2019-12-23 09:02:54,125] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.SerialDashPlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,211] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.SerialDashPlugin plugin settings saved [2019-12-23 09:02:54,211] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.DataCore.DataCorePlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,211] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfosProvider [2019-12-23 09:02:54,231] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.PersistantTrackerPlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,403] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.AudioControl.AudioControlPlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,476] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.Thrustmaster.ThrustmastersPlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,484] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITBSV3Plugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,485] INFO - Finalizing plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITBSV3Plugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,485] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITMotorsV3Plugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,485] INFO - Finalizing plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITMotorsV3Plugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,485] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.LapHitoryPlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,485] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.Shell.ShellPlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,485] INFO - Finalizing plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.Shell.ShellPlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,485] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.InputPlugins.JoystickPlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,509] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.KeyboardEmulator.KeyboardEmulatorPlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,520] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Nextion.NextionPlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,538] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,558] INFO - Finalizing plugin SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,570] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.SerialDashPlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,585] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.Web.WebPlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - Finalizing plugin SimHub.Plugins.Web.WebPlugin [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - Stopped all plugins [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - Performance dump [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.PersistantTrackerPlugin::DataUpdate 153731calls 837ms 153731calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.SerialDashPlugin::DataUpdate 153731calls 416ms 153731calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin::DataUpdate 153730calls 31383460ms 153730calls 204.000ms/call [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.DataCore.DataCorePlugin::DataUpdate 153731calls 23ms 153731calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.Web.WebPlugin::DataUpdate 153730calls 48ms 153730calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.AudioControl.AudioControlPlugin::DataUpdate 153731calls 6107ms 153731calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfosProvider::DataUpdate 153731calls 51ms 153731calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - JoystickPlugin::PollThread 756208calls 31346295ms 756208calls 41.000ms/call [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.LapHitoryPlugin::DataUpdate 153731calls 59ms 153731calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITBSV3Plugin::DataUpdate 153731calls 465ms 153731calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITMotorsV3Plugin::DataUpdate 153731calls 482ms 153731calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - JoystickManager::DetectJoysticks 19calls 7194ms 19calls 378.000ms/call [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Nextion.NextionPlugin::DataUpdate 153731calls 0ms 153731calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.Thrustmaster.ThrustmastersPlugin::DataUpdate 153731calls 3ms 153731calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 09:02:54,586] INFO - Final Exit

sonicviz commented 4 years ago

For comparison here's a log from today after reverting with v.1 where it's fine: [2019-12-23 09:44:51,642] INFO - Starting SimHub v6.9.1 (build time : 26/11/2019 02:25:04) [2019-12-23 09:44:51,648] INFO - Administrator privileges : True [2019-12-23 09:44:51,651] INFO - OS version : Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.18363.0, Windows 10.0.18363 [2019-12-23 09:44:51,651] INFO - License status : Free [2019-12-23 09:44:51,651] INFO - Process priority : Normal [2019-12-23 09:44:54,587] INFO - (Re)Starting RFactor2 Game Manager and plugin manager [2019-12-23 09:44:54,591] INFO - Creating RFactor 2 game manager (RfactorReader.RF2Manager) [2019-12-23 09:44:54,603] INFO - RFactor2 game manager created [2019-12-23 09:44:54,607] INFO - Checking configuration status for RFactor2 [2019-12-23 09:44:54,641] INFO - Configuration status for RFactor2: GameConfigured [2019-12-23 09:44:54,642] INFO - Creating plugin manager [2019-12-23 09:44:55,563] INFO - Loading font list [2019-12-23 09:44:55,586] INFO - JoystickManager : Starting game controllers detection [2019-12-23 09:44:55,715] INFO - JoystickManager : Found Controller_(Xbox_One_ForWindows) [2019-12-23 09:44:55,729] INFO - JoystickManager : End of detection [2019-12-23 09:44:55,880] INFO - Starting Arduino in Single USB mode [2019-12-23 09:44:55,900] INFO - Matrix custom font custommatrixfont8x8 loaded [2019-12-23 09:44:56,003] INFO - Web suggested IP : [2019-12-23 09:44:56,068] INFO - Regenerating Web font-faces [2019-12-23 09:44:57,937] INFO - Font list loading successful [2019-12-23 09:44:57,941] INFO - Loading plugins controls [2019-12-23 09:44:58,216] INFO - Game successfully loaded [2019-12-23 09:45:27,583] INFO - Game connected [2019-12-23 09:45:27,649] INFO - All time best found : 00:02:26.4320000 recorded at 12/19/2019 10:28:41 PM [2019-12-23 09:45:27,691] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-23 09:45:27,857] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-23 09:45:27,862] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-23 09:45:27,917] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-23 09:45:28,678] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-23 09:45:32,678] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-23 09:45:48,078] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-23 09:45:51,378] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-23 09:45:51,478] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-23 09:46:17,777] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-23 09:46:32,501] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-23 09:46:32,651] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-23 09:46:41,879] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-23 09:46:41,939] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-23 09:46:49,577] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-23 09:47:07,579] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-23 09:47:07,583] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-23 09:47:07,583] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 28.00 [2019-12-23 09:47:08,678] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-23 09:47:10,178] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-23 09:47:10,379] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-23 09:47:16,478] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-23 09:47:26,677] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-23 09:47:26,678] INFO - Session restarted [2019-12-23 09:47:26,678] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-23 09:47:26,678] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-23 09:47:26,678] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 28.00 [2019-12-23 09:47:26,685] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-23 09:47:27,778] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-23 09:47:48,979] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-23 09:47:51,978] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-23 09:47:52,179] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-23 09:48:05,077] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-23 09:50:30,382] INFO - Game disconnected [2019-12-23 09:50:35,477] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-23 10:19:05,912] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-23 11:30:31,640] INFO - Checking configuration status for RFactor2 [2019-12-23 11:30:31,641] INFO - Configuration status for RFactor2: GameConfigured [2019-12-23 17:11:55,079] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-23 17:55:51,168] ERROR - JoystickManager : Error during reading of Controller(Xbox_One_For_Windows) SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x8007001E], Module: [SharpDX.DirectInput], ApiCode: [DIERR_INPUTLOST/InputLost], Message: The system cannot read from the specified device.

at SharpDX.Result.CheckError() at SharpDX.DirectInput.Device.GetDeviceState(Int32 arg0, IntPtr arg1) at SharpDX.DirectInput.CustomDevice3.GetCurrentState(T& data) at SharpDX.DirectInput.CustomDevice3.GetCurrentState() at ACToolsUtilities.JoystickManagerSlimDX.GetState() [2019-12-23 17:55:53,678] INFO - JoystickManager : Starting game controllers detection [2019-12-23 17:55:53,802] INFO - JoystickManager : End of detection [2019-12-23 17:55:58,922] INFO - JoystickManager : Starting game controllers detection [2019-12-23 17:55:59,078] INFO - JoystickManager : Found Controller_(Xbox_One_ForWindows) [2019-12-23 17:55:59,080] INFO - JoystickManager : End of detection [2019-12-23 17:56:06,525] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-23 18:01:05,708] INFO - Game connected [2019-12-23 18:01:06,725] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-23 18:01:10,725] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-23 18:01:24,993] INFO - Game disconnected [2019-12-23 18:01:27,009] INFO - Game connected [2019-12-23 18:01:32,026] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-23 18:01:39,242] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-23 18:01:39,442] INFO - Game paused : false [2019-12-23 18:04:55,459] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-23 18:04:55,459] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-23 18:04:55,459] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 26.45 [2019-12-23 18:08:30,080] INFO - New valid lap detected [2019-12-23 18:08:30,080] INFO - Storing lap consumption : 1.61 [2019-12-23 18:08:30,081] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 24.84 [2019-12-23 18:08:30,084] INFO - Old map quality score : 0 / New map quality score : 7 [2019-12-23 18:08:30,084] INFO - New map record saved [2019-12-23 18:08:30,115] INFO - Delta vs previous all-time best :0 [2019-12-23 18:08:30,115] INFO - Delta vs previous session best :0 [2019-12-23 18:08:30,115] INFO - New All time best recorded 00:03:34.6310000 [2019-12-23 18:08:30,117] INFO - New session best recorded 00:03:34.6310000 [2019-12-23 18:08:30,131] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-23 18:08:30,380] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-23 18:08:30,381] INFO - Generating map [2019-12-23 18:08:30,518] INFO - Map generated [2019-12-23 18:11:22,076] INFO - New valid lap detected [2019-12-23 18:11:22,076] INFO - Storing lap consumption : 1.56 [2019-12-23 18:11:22,080] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 23.28 [2019-12-23 18:11:22,082] INFO - Old map quality score : 7 / New map quality score : 7 [2019-12-23 18:11:22,096] INFO - Delta vs previous all-time best :-42.718 [2019-12-23 18:11:22,096] INFO - Delta vs previous session best :-42.718 [2019-12-23 18:11:22,096] INFO - New All time best recorded 00:02:51.9130000 [2019-12-23 18:11:22,098] INFO - New session best recorded 00:02:51.9130000 [2019-12-23 18:13:09,576] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-23 18:13:10,110] INFO - New non valid lap detected [2019-12-23 18:13:10,110] INFO - Fuel stats tracking resetted [2019-12-23 18:13:10,110] INFO - Fuel at the beginning of the lap : 28.00 [2019-12-23 18:13:11,126] INFO - CurrentLap invalidated for Fuel stats [2019-12-23 18:13:23,891] INFO - Game paused : true [2019-12-23 20:36:59,155] ERROR - JoystickManager : Error during reading of Controller(Xbox_One_For_Windows) SharpDX.SharpDXException: HRESULT: [0x8007001E], Module: [SharpDX.DirectInput], ApiCode: [DIERR_INPUTLOST/InputLost], Message: The system cannot read from the specified device.

at SharpDX.Result.CheckError() at SharpDX.DirectInput.Device.GetDeviceState(Int32 arg0, IntPtr arg1) at SharpDX.DirectInput.CustomDevice3.GetCurrentState(T& data) at SharpDX.DirectInput.CustomDevice3.GetCurrentState() at ACToolsUtilities.JoystickManagerSlimDX.GetState() [2019-12-23 20:37:01,860] INFO - JoystickManager : Starting game controllers detection [2019-12-23 20:37:01,986] INFO - JoystickManager : End of detection [2019-12-23 20:37:04,081] INFO - [WatchDog] Stacks dump : { "1": [], "2": [], "3": [], "5": [], "6": [], "7": [], "8": [], "10": [], "11": [], "12": [], "13": [], "14": [], "16": [ "System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOneNative", "System.Threading.WaitHandle.InternalWaitOne", "System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne", "System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne", "System.Management.MTAHelper.WorkerThread", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "18": [ "System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal", "System.Threading.Thread.Sleep", "SerialDash.ComportScanner+<>c.b22_0", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "26": [ "System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal", "System.Threading.Thread.Sleep", "SimHub.Plugins.InputPlugins.JoystickPlugin.b20_1", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "25": [], "27": [], "28": [], "29": [], "30": [], "31": [], "32": [], "33": [], "34": [], "35": [ null, "System.Threading.Monitor.ObjWait", "System.Threading.Monitor.Wait", "System.Threading.Monitor.Wait", "System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim.Wait", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.SpinThenBlockingWait", "System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InternalWait", "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification", "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.WebHostExtensions.Run", "SimHub.Plugins.Web.KestrelStartup.RunWebHost", "SimHub.Plugins.Web.KestrelStartup+<>c__DisplayClass5_0.b0", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "36": [], "37": [ "System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal", "System.Threading.Thread.Sleep", "GameReaderCommon.GameLoop.MainLoop", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "21": [], "22": [ "System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal", "System.Threading.Thread.Sleep", "NAudio.CoreAudioApi.WasapiCapture.DoRecording", "NAudio.CoreAudioApi.WasapiCapture.CaptureThread", "NAudio.CoreAudioApi.WasapiCapture.b35_0", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStartContext", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run", "System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart", null, null ], "23": [], "19": [], "15": [] } [2019-12-23 20:37:04,081] INFO - [WatchDog] Abnormal Inactivity detected [2019-12-23 20:37:04,081] INFO - Check main loop thread result :False [2019-12-23 20:37:04,582] INFO - [WatchDog] Abnormal Inactivity recovered [2019-12-23 20:37:07,029] INFO - JoystickManager : Starting game controllers detection [2019-12-23 20:37:07,172] INFO - JoystickManager : Found Controller(Xbox_One_For_Windows) [2019-12-23 20:37:07,174] INFO - JoystickManager : End of detection [2019-12-23 20:37:14,439] INFO - BassShakers: Requiring audio interfaces rebuild after game start or audio settings change [2019-12-23 20:45:22,127] INFO - Application exit [2019-12-23 20:45:22,151] INFO - Stopping game manager [2019-12-23 20:45:22,161] INFO - Stopping plugin manager [2019-12-23 20:45:22,166] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.DataCore.DataCorePlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:22,167] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.DataCore.DataCorePlugin plugin settings saved [2019-12-23 20:45:22,167] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfosProvider [2019-12-23 20:45:22,171] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfosProvider plugin settings saved [2019-12-23 20:45:22,171] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITBSV3Plugin [2019-12-23 20:45:22,776] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITBSV3Plugin plugin settings saved [2019-12-23 20:45:22,776] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITMotorsV3Plugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,345] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITMotorsV3Plugin plugin settings saved [2019-12-23 20:45:23,345] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Nextion.NextionPlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,381] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Nextion.NextionPlugin plugin settings saved [2019-12-23 20:45:23,381] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,392] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin plugin settings saved [2019-12-23 20:45:23,392] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.SerialDashPlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,412] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.SerialDashPlugin plugin settings saved [2019-12-23 20:45:23,413] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.DataCore.DataCorePlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,413] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfosProvider [2019-12-23 20:45:23,413] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.PersistantTrackerPlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,423] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.AudioControl.AudioControlPlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,437] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.Thrustmaster.ThrustmastersPlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,441] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITBSV3Plugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,442] INFO - Finalizing plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITBSV3Plugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,442] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITMotorsV3Plugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,442] INFO - Finalizing plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITMotorsV3Plugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,442] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.LapHitoryPlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,442] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.Shell.ShellPlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,442] INFO - Finalizing plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.Shell.ShellPlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,442] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.InputPlugins.JoystickPlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,447] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.KeyboardEmulator.KeyboardEmulatorPlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,451] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Nextion.NextionPlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,471] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,476] INFO - Finalizing plugin SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,476] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.SerialDashPlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,485] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.Web.WebPlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,485] INFO - Finalizing plugin SimHub.Plugins.Web.WebPlugin [2019-12-23 20:45:23,485] INFO - Stopped all plugins [2019-12-23 20:45:23,485] INFO - Performance dump [2019-12-23 20:45:23,486] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.PersistantTrackerPlugin::DataUpdate 2102851calls 19337ms 2102851calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 20:45:23,486] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.SerialDashPlugin::DataUpdate 2102851calls 3916ms 2102851calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 20:45:23,486] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin::DataUpdate 2102850calls 3249497ms 2102850calls 1.000ms/call [2019-12-23 20:45:23,486] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.DataCore.DataCorePlugin::DataUpdate 2102851calls 1467ms 2102851calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 20:45:23,486] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.Web.WebPlugin::DataUpdate 2102850calls 95ms 2102850calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 20:45:23,486] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.AudioControl.AudioControlPlugin::DataUpdate 2102851calls 14896ms 2102851calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 20:45:23,486] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfosProvider::DataUpdate 2102851calls 702ms 2102851calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 20:45:23,486] INFO - JoystickPlugin::PollThread 1740132calls 3989643ms 1740132calls 2.000ms/call [2019-12-23 20:45:23,486] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.LapHitoryPlugin::DataUpdate 2102851calls 33ms 2102851calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 20:45:23,486] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITBSV3Plugin::DataUpdate 2102851calls 805948ms 2102851calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 20:45:23,486] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITMotorsV3Plugin::DataUpdate 2102851calls 5038ms 2102851calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 20:45:23,486] INFO - JoystickManager::DetectJoysticks 16calls 3628ms 16calls 226.000ms/call [2019-12-23 20:45:23,486] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Nextion.NextionPlugin::DataUpdate 2102851calls 50ms 2102851calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 20:45:23,486] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.Thrustmaster.ThrustmastersPlugin::DataUpdate 2102851calls 104ms 2102851calls 0.000ms/call [2019-12-23 20:45:23,486] INFO - Final Exit

SHWotever commented 4 years ago

Hi !

Thanks for the logs, unfortunately, I could not find anything explaining such issue, in parallel I made some additional tests on various tracks but I could not reproduce the issue for now. I will continue investigating if somehow I can reproduce it. If you get a chance to send a replay later that would be amazing.

sonicviz commented 4 years ago

Did you replicate the HUD I'm using? Possibly a conflict there maybe?

SHWotever commented 4 years ago

Yes, i've added the global map and live map widgets, i've also tried various dash having both moving and static map. What I've tried so far :

sonicviz commented 4 years ago

ah, let me reinstall .3 then and I'll record a run for you.

sonicviz commented 4 years ago

Reinstalled .3 and now I can't replicate it, wouldn't you know;-/ I have switched tracks and changed cars so possibly something to do with that was causing it. I'm going to leave .3 installed and if it reoccurs I'll record it and upload. ty.

SHWotever commented 4 years ago

Nice :D Thanks for the feedback ! At least I was not going mad ;) I close this ticket for now, but if it happens again I will be happy to reopen it ;)