Closed Romainrob closed 2 years ago
Hello !
I already played in the past with speech synth but I admit I wasn't convinced by the voice, I will take another look !
Hi, I agree. The Windows voices aren't the best. The male one sounds particularly robotic. Also after trying it while driving the next day, I noticed the volume is quite low, even at 100% (compared to the mp3 voice samples I already use with my plugin at least). With the game volume at 100%, this won't do. It could be because I had my headset in surround mode too, now that I think of it. I'll have to try again. I liked the idea of using the built in voice of Windows for simplicity sake but it maybe better to look into alternatives. I haven't had the chance to dig deeper yet. I'll try to do so next week. Bonne journée.
Hello boys,
Is this discussion related to voice commands too ?
It should be great to test this kind of feature in SimHub. I consider SimHub as THE platform for adding effects to my simracing sessions. Best simracing alt software I ever use honestly.
I know that some programs exists but Simhub is for simRacing what Steam is for gaming lol.
Hi, I want SimHub to talk. You wan't to talk to it. I guess it's somewhat related :D I'm sure voice commands it yet another can of worms, but these would indeed be two complementary features.
I can see the appeal for using voice commands in SimHub. You actually probably already can have a voice command software do a lot via the command lines.
For an update on the TTS situation on my end. I briefly searched for a TTS api, and quickly realized this was a jungle I wasn't equipped for... So, I'm still using the Windows voice. Regarding the voice volume, the surround mode of my previous headset was indeed making it sound much lower. I recently switched to a noise cancelling headset (very nice to reduce shakers background noises :D ) It doesn't have fake surround and, while still a bit low volume, the windows voice is loud enough to understand. I'll leave it there. Have a nice day!
Hello ! Malheureusement je pense que ce genre de fonctionnalités pourrais ètre interressante, mais en y ajoutant les problemes de localisation, de son, et avoir du contenu pour ces "annonces", ca deviendrais une vrai usine. Je prefère ne pas m'engager la dedans ;)
Salut! Pas de soucis, je comprends. For posterity sake, I'll mention that I've since added my solution based on the Windows voices to my "RSC - Sounds" plugin.
While it doesn't sound the best, it gets the job done. It shared here:
Salut, J'ai une idée à ajouter à la pile. Je me remets à jouer en VR et comme je galère avec tout mes contrôles SimHub en aveugle, j'ai pensé à ça:
J'ai utilisé System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer et pour une fois c'était plus facile que prévu. Je l'ajoute à mon plugin de sons mais je pense que ça pourrait avoir du sens comme feature native à SimHub, surtout pour la VR. Juste une idée, comme d'hab, tu en fais ce que tu veux, ou rien du tout.
Bonne journée.
Ça ressemble à ça btw: