SHuang-Broad / canu-wdl

A customized fork of canu 1.9 for WDL-ization in the cloud
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understand canu pipeline scripts up to child read haplotyping stage #1

Open SHuang-Broad opened 5 years ago

SHuang-Broad commented 5 years ago

The following subroutines or blocks should be understood first before meaningful changes to the code can happen.

Relevant blocks:





Logical steps in

  1. options parsing, parameters setting, resources detection

    • set defaults
    • parse arguments (cmd line or specs file)
    • set parameters based o parsed arguments
    • detect runtime info (JVM, minimap2, gnuplot)
    • detect & configure computing resources
    • configure assembler
    • check parameters
  2. minio IO prep

    • set & move to user specified work dir
    • input reads parsing
    • set up other output dir under workdir
  3. reads haplotyping

    • repartition the parental reads
    • configure/meta-generate the shell scripts for three meryl steps: count, merge, subtract
    • launch those scripts in batches, in order
    • configure/meta-generate the shell script for child read assignment
    • run the assignment script
SHuang-Broad commented 5 years ago

Tree structure of designated working directory, and directory creations.

$ tree -d workdir/
├── canu-logs
├── canu-scripts
└── haplotype
    └── 0-kmers
        ├── reads-Father
        └── reads-Mother

6 directories

workdir is the directory designated by the user, and created by very early in the pipeline (before configuration).

canu-logs and canu-scripts are setup up in as well, after all configurations have happened, and right before triobinning stage, i.e. much later compared to workdir. User doesn't have control over this (and this shouldn't matter much).

haplotype this directory is created together with its sub-directory 0-kmers in one go by canu::HaplotypeReads::haplotypeCountConfigure. Both names are hard coded there.

reads-Father and reads-Mother under 0-kmers are generated by canu::HaplotypeReads::haplotypeSplitReads for storing re-partitioned parental reads. The "Father" and "Mother" strings were provided by user via -haplotypeFather and -haplotypeMother. There will be an empty "reads-$hap.success" file after the repartition is finished successfully, and this is the file for pipeline to check if it needs to be done before next stages can be executed.,, reside at the same level as reads-Father and reads-Mother. There's also a meryl-count.memory that stores the memory used for all three shell scripts. Each of the three will generate its corresponding empty ".success" file to indicate that the script was executed successfully. Note that each shell script also generate "meryl-$task.$jobid.out" under haplotype/0-kmers hold stdout and stderr. For count, the jobid will be batch ids; for merge and subtract, there should be practically two, 1 and 2, for father and mother.

SHuang-Broad commented 5 years ago


Since practically reads will not be stored in a single file (FASTQ), this subroutine practically takes

then returns the pasted "dir/file" string.

The calling function takes the responsibility to iterate over the FASTQs in the dir.

This is what happened in canu.wdl in the block while (scalar(@ARGV)), in two places:

This calling function then parses the returned file name string into a command line argument via addCommandLineOption(). These options are then parsed via canu::Defaults::setParametersFromCommandLine, -> canu::Defaults::setGlobal -> canu::Defaults::setGlobalSpecialization for actually setting the appropriate parameters (note that currently none seem to affect the read haplotyping stage).


A "global" Hash/Dictionary is present in this module named %global. This function sets many parameters (keys of the hash/dictionary) of this %global to their "default" values.

Of the parameters, several are important for us to understand:

And the following

#####  Mers

setDefault("merylMemory",      undef,  "Amount of memory, in gigabytes, to use for mer counting");
setDefault("merylThreads",     undef,  "Number of threads to use for mer counting");
setDefault("merylConcurrency", undef,  "Unused, there is only one process");

#####  Haplotyping

setDefault("hapUnknownFraction", 0.05,   "Fraction of allowed unknown bases before they are included in the assembly, between 0-1; default 0.05");
setDefault("hapMemory",          undef,  "Amount of memory, in gigabytes, to use for haplotype assignment");
setDefault("hapThreads",         undef,  "Number of threads to use for haplotype assignment");
setDefault("hapConcurrency",     undef,  "Unused, there is only one process");

Resources for meryl and actual child read assignment is set via (practically setting their resources to undef)

setExecDefaults("meryl",     "mer counting");
setExecDefaults("hap",       "haplotype assignment");


The most relevant to us, is the if-else block

if (defined(getGlobal("stopAfter"))) {}

which checks that the specified "stopping" stage is an accepted value. Acceptable values are listed here.

SHuang-Broad commented 5 years ago

The assumed flow of working in this module is that tasks (shell scripts) are first "configured" by a configure subroutine, then "checked" (that is check if the tasks have finished successfully or else run them).

All $path below is hard-coded as haplotype/0-kmers.


This is the configuration step where the following happen in order

Step-by-step, it does

  1. pick $k$ based on genome size. (Q: why is erate set to 0.001? How is it related to sequencing tech, heterozygosity?)
  2. repartition parental reads
  3. scan/list repartitioned parental read files under $path/reads-$hap/reads-$hap-[0-9]{3,3}.fasta.gz (where $hap practically takes value of either "father" or "mother") in numerical order; stores file paths under each $hap of a Hash, i.e. a Hash with $hap as key and parental reads as values
  4. decide batch sizes based all parental read files, assign parental reads to different batches
  5. generate meryl.memory file which is a 1-line file holding memory allocated to all meryl steps, in GB
  6. based on the batch definitions, threads and memory, generate $path/, which when executed locally, takes one argument that is the batch index (1-based);
  7. generate $path/
  8. generate $path/
  9. explicitly call stopAfter("meryl-configure");

There are several points that are worth keeping in mind:


This subroutines assumes that two files $path/ and $path/meryl-count.memory exit. It then scans the shell script to determine how many jobs in total are supposed to run, and how many has succeeded/failed. For successful batches, it needs to see $path/reads-$hap-$batch_idx.meryl(.tar.gz?) exsits. It then retries the failed ones (or ones yet to be run) via Execution::submitOrRunParallelJob.

This way of "checking" as execution is possible because the check subroutines (including the next three) are evoked upto 1 + $maxAttempt times in the main perl script, ensuring enough efforts have been made.

If all goes well,


This script is generated similarly to CountCheck. The differences in the shell scripts are

The module then


Structured exactly the same as merge check.

Outputs are two directories $path/haplotype-$hap.meryl/.

It also cleans up (i.e. removes) the output of merge ($path/reads-$hap.meryl(.tar.gz)?) unless users specifically turn that off by setting saveMerCounts.

The following does not use meryl, hence configured a little differently


The assumption is that if haplotype/ exists, the job has been done. Otherwise the shell script is generated.

Note that a key difference from the configure subroutine above is how threads and memory are set. They are set by reading "hapThreads" and "hapMemory", i.e. unless they are specifically overriden by users, they will take the "optimize" value computed in canu::Configure::getAllowedResources.

It finally calls


First checks for haplotype/haplotyping.success for previous successful runs to avoid wasting efforts (hence one can image this "check" is responsible for generating that success file).

Note that

It finally calls

SHuang-Broad commented 5 years ago


Actually configuring the whole pipeline, though allowing later customization by the stages themselves. It

  1. standarizes some user-provided global resource parameters
  2. based on genome size estimate provided by user, adjusts some parameters & threads/memory for all stages. Two statements of interest to us

    # for human
    setGlobalIfUndef("merylMemory", "24-64");  setGlobalIfUndef("merylThreads", "1-8");
    setGlobalIfUndef("hapMemory", "8-16");     setGlobalIfUndef("hapThreads", "16-64");
  3. gets allowed resources for each algo. of each stage via

    ($err, $all) = getAllowedResources("",    "meryl",     $err, $all, 0);
    ($err, $all) = getAllowedResources("",    "hap",       $err, $all, 0);

One particular point to note here is that this subroutine can implement a check on stopAfter that will stop the resource configuration process at the user-specified stage. The solution might be not pretty, and so we need to issue some type of warning.

This is raised by this ticket.


It takes 5 + optional parameters (optional for debugging). The first 5 are:

It first detects, from the %global Hash in canu::Defaults

It then moves on to its main task: picking an "optimal" thread/memory configuration based on

If an optimal solution can not be found, the program errors and exits. Otherwise, stage-algo-specific thread/memory is reset to the picked optimal solution.

If the workflow is to be executed in local mode, it then also sets the concurrency to the minimum of (threads/taskThread, memory/taskMemory).

Finally it reports in a somewhat prettified format.

Questions remain


No idea how it works exactly, but seemingly not that important at this moment.

SHuang-Broad commented 5 years ago

The following three usually are called in order together by clients (e.g. those "Configure" subroutines in to meta-generate shell scripts:


This subroutine takes 4 arguments (plus optionals):

In practice, the optional arguments provided is always the IDs of jobs (not PIDs) to be executed (including those previously failed ones).

It first checks available resources and see if everything can be handled by executiveMemory/executiveThreads (not exactly sure which scenario would trigger this).

Then it makes sure the current attempt is not exceeding the user-set tolerance, and advance that index.

Depending on if the workflow is to be run on grid or local, it submits the jobs to the available hosts/machines. In particular, for locally executing workflows, it uses the provided job list to build up the queue of jobs to be executed via looped calls to schedulerSubmit (given a cmd—shell script and cmd line args—to run, push it to the process queue waiting to be cleared).

Second to last, a final round of calculation of limits on concurrency is sent to schedulerSetNumberOfProcesses, which simply set the number of currently-running tasks to the provided value; and once that is set, it stays put.

schedulerFinish is finally called for actually execution.

What schedulerFinish does is that it iterates through a queue of tasks it received from schedulerSetNumberOfProcesses, and calls on to schedulerRun for moving tasks from this large queue to a smaller queue whose size is controlled by the concurrency limit set in schedulerSetNumberOfProcesses.

The implementation in this function is kind of strange (please see this ticket).