SIB-Colombia / catalogo-de-la-biodiversidad-frontend

Biodiversity Catalogue of SIB Colombia Version 2
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Show component for TaxonRecordName #161

Open jag2kn opened 7 years ago

jag2kn commented 7 years ago

nomeAndClass / TaxonRecordName

Implement a component to show information for:

taxonRecordName = {
    scientificName: {
        attributes: {
            id: '',
            isAnamorphic: '',
            nomenclaturalCode: ''
        simple: '',
        rank: '',
        canonicalName: {
            simple: '',
            uninomial: '',
            genus: {
                ref: '',
                linkType: ''
            epithet: {
                infragenericEpithet: '',
                specificEpithet: '',
                infraspecificEpithet: ''
        canonicalAuthorship: {
            simple: '',
            authorship: {
                simple: '',
                year: [],
                authors: []
        specialAuthorship: {
            basionymAuthorship: {
                simple: '',
                year: [],
                authors: []
            combinationAuthorship: []
        publishedln: {
            identifier: '',
            datatype: '',
            source: ''
        year: '',
        microReference: '',
        typificacion: {
            simple: '',
            typeVoucherEntity: {
                voucherReference: [],
                lectotypePublicationVoucher: [],
                lectotypeMicroReferenceVoucher: [],
                typeOfType: ''
        typeNameEntity: {
            nameReference: {
                identifier: '',
                datatype: '',
                source: ''
            lectotypePublication: {
                identifier: '',
                datatype: '',
                source: ''
            lectotypeMicroReference: {
                identifier: '',
                datatype: '',
                source: ''
        spellingCorrentionOf: [],
        basionym: {
            ruleConsidered: '',
            note: '',
            reletedName: {
                identifier: '',
                datatype: '',
                source: ''
            publishedln: {
                identifier: '',
                datatype: '',
                source: ''
            microReference: ''
        basedOn: {
            ruleConsidered: '',
            note: '',
            reletedName: {
                identifier: '',
                datatype: '',
                source: ''
            publishedln: {
                identifier: '',
                datatype: '',
                source: ''
            microReference: ''
        conservedAgainst: [],
        laterHomonymOf: {
            ruleConsidered: '',
            note: '',
            reletedName: {
                identifier: '',
                datatype: '',
                source: ''
            publishedln: {
                identifier: '',
                datatype: '',
                source: ''
            microReference: ''
        sanctioned: {
            ruleConsidered: '',
            note: '',
            reletedName: {
                identifier: '',
                datatype: '',
                source: ''
            publishedln: {
                identifier: '',
                datatype: '',
                source: ''
            microReference: ''
        replacementNameFor: {
            ruleConsidered: '',
            note: '',
            reletedName: {
                identifier: '',
                datatype: '',
                source: ''
            publishedln: {
                identifier: '',
                datatype: '',
                source: ''
            microReference: ''
        publicationStatus: {
            ruleConsidered: '',
            note: '',
            reletedName: {
                identifier: '',
                datatype: '',
                source: ''
            publishedln: {
                identifier: '',
                datatype: '',
                source: ''
            microReference: ''
        providerLink: '',
        providerSpecificData: {
            anyOne: [],
            anyTwo: ''
        ancillaryData: []

The class specification can be found in

The general documentation of Plinian Core can be found in

camiplata commented 6 years ago

Implementado parcialmente, hay varios elementos de a clase que no se incluyeron en mamut. @leobuitrago Cuáles elementos se mantienen y cuáles se van?