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Species+/CITES Checklist API #112

Open nestorjal opened 8 years ago

nestorjal commented 8 years ago

Although the editor currently has a PliC element for CITES, it will be useful an integration with the CITES API.

mcubillos commented 8 years ago

In this moment is impossible registry our app in CITES API, I sent an email asking for help because the problem is that our organisation is not present in CITES organisations list.

mcubillos commented 8 years ago

CITES response "Thank you for your email. Organisations do not need to be registered with the system, those shown are simply those that have already been entered. To add a new organisation, please type the name of your organisation, hit enter and then continue with registration." then I going to continue with this issue.

mcubillos commented 8 years ago

CITES API has different calls and each one returns different information, for example: api/v1/taxon_concepts returns { "pagination":{ "current_page":1, "per_page":500, "total_entries":1 }, "taxon_concepts":[ { "id":4521, "full_name":"Loxodonta africana", "author_year":"(Blumenbach, 1797)", "rank":"SPECIES", "name_status":"A", "updated_at":"2014-12-11T15:39:51.620Z", "active":true, "cites_listing":"I/II", "higher_taxa":{ "kingdom":"Animalia", "phylum":"Chordata", "class":"Mammalia", "order":"Proboscidea", "family":"Elephantidae" }, "synonyms":[ { "id":37069, "full_name":"Loxodonta cyclotis", "author_year":"(Matschie, 1900)", "rank":"SPECIES" } ], "common_names":[ { "name":"African Elephant", "language":"EN" }, { "name":"African Savannah Elephant", "language":"EN" }, { "name":"Eléphant d'Afrique", "language":"FR" }, { "name":"Eléphant africain", "language":"FR" } ], "cites_listings":[ { "appendix":"II", "annotation":"The populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe are listed in Appendix II for the exclusive purpose of allowing: [...]", "hash_annotation":null }, { "appendix":"I", "annotation":"Included in Appendix I, except the populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe, which are included in Appendix II.", "hash_annotation":null } ] } ] }

with we can use the following API calls:

api/v1/taxon_concepts/:taxon_concept_id/cites_legislation { "cites_listings":[ { "taxon_concept_id":4521, "is_current":true, "appendix":"II", "change_type":"+", "effective_at":"2007-09-13", "annotation":"The populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe are listed in Appendix II for the exclusive purpose of allowing: [...]" }, { "taxon_concept_id":4521, "is_current":true, "appendix":"I", "change_type":"+", "effective_at":"2007-09-13", "annotation":"Included in Appendix I, except the populations of Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe, which are included in Appendix II." }, { "taxon_concept_id":4521, "is_current":true, "appendix":"I", "change_type":"R+", "effective_at":"1990-01-18", "annotation":null, "party":{ "iso_code2":"MW", "name":"Malawi", "type":null } } ], "cites_quotas":[ { "taxon_concept_id":4521, "quota":180.0, "publication_date":"2014-03-14", "notes":"tusks as trophies from 90 animals", "url":null, "public_display":true, "is_current":true, "unit":null, "geo_entity":{ "iso_code2":"NA", "name":"Namibia", "type":"COUNTRY" } }, { "taxon_concept_id":4521, "quota":160.0, "publication_date":"2014-03-14", "notes":"tusks as trophies from 80 animals", "url":null, "public_display":true, "is_current":true, "unit":null, "geo_entity":{ "iso_code2":"CM", "name":"Cameroon", "type":"COUNTRY" } } ], "cites_suspensions":[ { "taxon_concept_id":null, "notes":"All commercial trade in specimens of CITES-listed species.", "start_date":"2004-07-30", "is_current":true, "applies_to_import":false, "geo_entity":{ "iso_code2":"SO", "name":"Somalia", "type":"COUNTRY" }, "start_notification":{ "name":"CITES Notif. No. 2004/055", "date":"2004-07-30", "url":"" } }, { "taxon_concept_id":4521, "notes":"The United States has suspended imports of sport-hunted trophies of African elephant taken in Zimbabwe on or after 4 April 2014.", "start_date":"2014-08-11", "is_current":true, "applies_to_import":false, "geo_entity":{ "iso_code2":"ZW", "name":"Zimbabwe", "type":"COUNTRY" }, "start_notification":{ "name":"CITES Notif. No. 2014/037", "date":"2014-08-11", "url":"" } } ] } api/v1/taxon_concepts/:taxon_concept_id/distributions [ { "iso_code2":"GQ", "name":"Equatorial Guinea", "type":"COUNTRY", "references":[ "Basilio, A. 1962. La vida animal en la Guinea Espanola. Instituto de Estudios Africanos. Madrid." ] }, { "iso_code2":"MR", "name":"Mauritania", "type":"COUNTRY", "references":[ "Blanc, J.J., Thouless, C.R., Hart, J.A., Dublin H.T., Douglas-Hamilton, I., Craig, C.R. and Barnes, R.F.W. 2003. African Elephant Status Report 2002: an update from the African Elephant Database. IUCN/SSC African Elephant Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. ", "Jackson, P. 1982. Elephants and rhinos in Africa. A time for decision. IUCN. Gland." ] } ] api/v1/taxon_concepts/:taxon_concept_id/references [ { "citation":"Wilson, D.E. and Reeder, D.M. (Eds.) 1993. <i>Mammal species of the world, a taxonomic and geographic reference</i>. Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington and London.", "is_standard":true }, { "citation":"Wilson, D.E. and Reeder, D.M. (Eds.) 2005. <i>Mammal species of the world, a taxonomic and geographic reference</i>. The Johns Hopkins University Press.", "is_standard":false } ]