SIB-Colombia / rnc_app

National Colection Register
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Fatal Error opening a formulary #90

Open AngelaCelis opened 7 years ago

AngelaCelis commented 7 years ago

It seems like a server error (Error 500) but it happens only with the formulary of collection 82. I suspect that there could be too much files attached or files too heavy on this formulary.

errorvalidandocol82 errorvercol82

AngelaCelis commented 7 years ago

Fixed by Lumon (20170207). There was a problem of available memory, it was increased from 512 MB to 1 GB. For deadlines it would be necessary to increase memory available.

AngelaCelis commented 7 years ago


La capacidad es de 20 MB

AngelaCelis commented 7 years ago

Incrementar la capacidad a 50 MB @valegrajales