SICKAG / sick_safetyscanners

ROS driver for SICK safety laser scanners
Apache License 2.0
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If NanoScan3 packet loss(M2 error code), can we receive alarm by ROS? #89

Closed Tompili closed 3 years ago

Tompili commented 3 years ago

Dear support team,

Can we use ROS to receive loss packet alarm from NANS3? If so, which topic should I use? Communication method is by TCPI/IP.

Thanks for the help.


lenpuc commented 3 years ago


where does the error code M2 originate from, in the manual I couldn't find M2 as an error code of the scanner? Only other error codes. There is a topic with all the raw data originating from the sensor, there are some error codes included. These are the errors send directly by the sensor with each message.

Otherwise if lost packages are of concern, maybe the /diagnostics topic is of help.

Tompili commented 3 years ago

Hi sir, M2 is from the "error code list", like the picture. image

But from the description of industrial safety WIKI, M2 does not seem to packet loss , I just give a similar example. No matter, the diagnosis can only find out afterwards that I loss packet. Is there any command to monitor whether the packet loss at any time and send me alarm?


I already use this command, if there is some issues, what kind of information I will receive? Can you give me an example?

Thanks Milo

lenpuc commented 3 years ago

Hi, this is not implemented anywhere. Package losses are not tracked other then through the diagnostics tool. If you need this, you would need to implement this yourself. Probably some kind of watch dog at the receiving part. To check if all packages arrive, or the frequency is high enough there

lenpuc commented 3 years ago

And the error code, as far as I know is not transmitted via the UDP datagrams, nor through the COLA2 fields. Therefore, it can not be read from the sdriver