SICKAG / sick_scan_xd

Based on the sick_scan drivers for ROS1, sick_scan_xd merges sick_scan, sick_scan2 and sick_scan_base repositories. The driver supports both Linux (native, ROS1, ROS2) and Windows (native and ROS2).
Apache License 2.0
90 stars 83 forks source link

Cannot connect to Tim781 from raspberry pi when running the driver #263

Closed AlecLozano closed 3 months ago

AlecLozano commented 5 months ago

Here are the specs of my pi:

Here is what I have on my Tim781:

Here are the errors and warnings that show up when I run the command ros2 launch sick_scan_xd hostname:= on my pi:

When I try to ping my lidars ip address ping it returns PING icmp=1 Destination Host Unreachable. The ping command returns that error both when the Lidar is connected to my pi and when the Lidar is disconnected, so I think that despite the pi and the sensor being connected via ethernet with matching Ip Adresses, there is no connection being made at all.

Any help? I feel lost.

rostest commented 5 months ago

Thanks for your error report. If ping fails, the lidar can not be reached due to network errors or IP configuration issues. To check the network setup, please connect the lidar to a PC in the same network, start SOPAS ET and check the IP adress, TCP port and lidar status in SOPAS ET.

If you change the IP adress of the lidar using SOPAS ET, make sure the new settings are written to the lidars EEPROM (otherwise settings will be lost). After any changes, make sure that IP adress and TCP port are identical in the lidar configuration displayed in SOPAS ET and in the sick_scan_xd launchfile.

AlecLozano commented 5 months ago

I wrote and saved my changes to the sensors EEPROM and also changed the Ip and TCP port on the sick_scan_xd launch file. Unfortunately I am still getting the same errors when running the ping command and launching sick_scan_xd.

To test if there is any connection being made at all, I connected the Lidar's ethernet to my windows laptop (which is connected to the same network as the pi) and pinged the Lidar's ip: ping To my surprise, I got a response from the Lidar: Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64. So the problem here isn't the sensor, but the Pi. However I am confused because when I enter commands that show the ip address of my pi, such as ifconfig or ip addr show, I get the same ip: