SICKAG / sick_scan_xd

Based on the sick_scan drivers for ROS1, sick_scan_xd merges sick_scan, sick_scan2 and sick_scan_base repositories. The driver supports both Linux (native, ROS1, ROS2) and Windows (native and ROS2).
Apache License 2.0
101 stars 84 forks source link

ROS launch runs but no data come out - multiScan #282

Closed SICK-AliciaTee closed 6 months ago

SICK-AliciaTee commented 7 months ago

Dear Sir or Madam,

Could you take a look at the attached log file, the customer has sick_scan_xd installed on ROS1 Noetic and Ubuntu platform, the launch file runs but no data came out, we looked at their ethernet setting and everything seems normal.

We have also tried uninstall and install the driver but still running the same issue.

Thank you.

SOPAS_Air_Terminal g seems normal. roslaunch_terminal.txt

Thank you, Ethernet_Settings

rostest commented 7 months ago

Thanks for your feedback and logfile. sick_scan_xd initializes successfully with TCP, but did not receive any scan data via UDP. Please use SOPAS Air to check the configuration, i.e. open (resp. lidars ip address) in a browser. Can you see the pointcloud?

Using ip addresses 165.91.x.x for both the lidar and the PC is unusual, since 165.91.x.x are public ip addresses. This might cause ip conflicts. We recommend to choose a private ip address like 192.168.x.x or 169.254.x.x (see for a list of private ip ranges). If possible, choose the default ip address for the lidar and an ip address 192.168.0.x for the PC (PC and lidar should use the same subnet).

SICK-AliciaTee commented 7 months ago

Hi rostest,

We tried to change the IP address to 192.168.x.x, but still run into the same issue.

Please see the screen shots and information, kindly advise. launch_terminal.txt roscore_running rostopic_lists SICK_SOPASair_screenshot2

Thank you.

rostest commented 7 months ago

Thanks for logfiles and screenshots. Your setup looks fine. We will test and analyze the issue and come back to it.

rostest commented 7 months ago

Unfortunately I can not reproduce this error. Please run the following commands on the customizers PC:

mkdir -p ./ws_sick_scan_xd_ros1/src
cd ./ws_sick_scan_xd_ros1/src
git clone
cd ..
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
rm -rf ./build_isolated/ ./devel_isolated/ ./install_isolated/
catkin_make_isolated --install --cmake-args -DROS_VERSION=1 -DLDMRS=0 -Wno-dev
source ./devel_isolated/setup.bash
roslaunch sick_scan_xd sick_multiscan.launch hostname:= udp_receiver_ip:=

These are exactly the commands I used to view the multiScan pointcloud in rviz (except for a different ip address, i.e. argument udp_receiver_ip:=


In the attachment you find a complete logfile of my build and run for information. Please run the commands above and post a logfile.

If the problem still remains (i.e. no pointcloud in rviz or rostopic), please check for the latest firmware update. If the problem remains, please start wireshark and save a short sequence of the network traffic in a pcapng-file (some seconds are enough). With this pcapng-file we can analyze the tcp and udp communication between sick_scan_xd and the lidar. Thanks in advance!

Heiro008 commented 6 months ago

Hi @rostest , I am facing the same issue in ros2 driver with multiscan100, i'm using ubuntu 22.04 with ros2 humble. It seems like i cannot receive any scan data via UDP. FYI firewall is disabled. Sopas air is working fine and i could see point cloud data in browser but not in any ros topics. I have compared your previous log file and found that my launch stopped after the following logs, """ [sick_generic_caller-1] [INFO] [1711083596.743137085] [sick_scan_xd]: Sending : sMN LMCstartmeas [sick_generic_caller-1] [INFO] [1711083596.750921893] [sick_scan_xd]: Receiving: sAN LMCstartmeas 0 [sick_generic_caller-1] [INFO] [1711083596.750952880] [sick_scan_xd]: SickScanServices: Request "sMN LMCstartmeas" successfully sent, received reply "sAN LMCstartmeas 0" [sick_generic_caller-1] [INFO] [1711083596.750961549] [sick_scan_xd]: SickScanServices::sendSopasCmdCheckResponse(): request: "sMN LMCstartmeas", response: "sAN LMCstartmeas 0" """ I have attached the log file and wireshark capture. kindly help to solve this.

Thanks in advance!

rostest commented 6 months ago

@Heiro008 Thanks for your feedback and logfiles. Parameter "udp_receiver_ip" must be the ip address of the machine receiving the scan data from the multiScan via UDP, i.e. the ip address of your PC running sick_scan_xd. According to the logfile, parameter udp_receiver_ip:= has been used (the ip address of the previous example). Wireshark displays IP traffic between (i.e. the lidar) and is probably the ip address of your PC. Run sick_scan_xd with parameter udp_receiver_ip:=, e.g.: ros2 launch sick_scan_xd hostname:= udp_receiver_ip:=

Command ipconfig /all (on Windows) resp. ifconfig -a (on Linux) displays the ip address. Alternatively you can use the network configuration in Sopas Air to get or set the ip addresses.

Heiro008 commented 6 months ago

Got it, its working now. Thanks