SICKAG / sick_scan_xd

Based on the sick_scan drivers for ROS1, sick_scan_xd merges sick_scan, sick_scan2 and sick_scan_base repositories. The driver supports both Linux (native, ROS1, ROS2) and Windows (native and ROS2).
Apache License 2.0
89 stars 81 forks source link

Tim 7XX ROS2 Integration Question (URDF/Params) #315

Closed anath93 closed 2 months ago

anath93 commented 3 months ago


Environment - ROS2 Galactic Architecture - aarch64

Reading through the docs, I have few questions,

How to get complete list of complete configurable parameters ? Is the below link valid for params params


Is there .stl file for Tim7xx ?

Where is the origin/reference of LIDAR from tf aspect ?

Is there any example for Tim7xx urdf ?

Can this LIDAR work in USB mode too (as per sales executive, they said Yes but I would like to confirm this) ?

anath93 commented 3 months ago

@rostest any input on the above ?

rostest commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your feedback. All configurable parameters are set in the launchfiles, e.g. sick_tim_7xx.launch for TiM7xx lidars. Parameters with <arg name="<parametername>" default="<value>"/> can be overwritten by commandline, e.g. ros2 launch sick_scan_xd hostname:= See for further examples.

Currently we do not provide stl files or urdf examples for ros2.

TF messages will be published with the next release. Currently you can use e.g. a static_transform_publisher to generate TF messages. The frame id of the lidar point cloud published by sick_scan_xd can be set in the launchfile or commandline by parameter frame_id (default frame id is "cloud").

sick_scan_xd does not support USB devices. We recommend to use TCP/IP lidars. As far as I know, the USB interface can be used for parameterisation ( page 32): image

anath93 commented 3 months ago

@rostest Thank you for the detailed reply, where is the origin point on LIDAR so I can do static tf broadcaster for connecting to my base frame ?

When is this next release due ?

rostest commented 3 months ago

The point of light emission is marked by point 11 in the construction drawing, 62.46 mm above lidar bottom line ( page 11):

image image

anath93 commented 3 months ago

@rostest thank you for the information and manual at the same time.

Just one last thing before I close the topic, when is the next release due ?

rostest commented 3 months ago

The next release is planned within the next few weeks.

anath93 commented 2 months ago

@rostest Unable to change 'scan_freq' ros2 param side,

image image image

rostest commented 2 months ago

The TiM781 lidar has a constant scan frequency of 15 Hz and an angular resolution of 0.33 degree:

image image

Therefore you can not set the scan frequency of the lidar. See and for details.

The parameters configurable for TiM7xx devices are listed in the launchfile