Open anath93 opened 1 week ago
Thanks for your feedback. The configuration looks unusual:
It looks like the configuration does not provide a launchfile (sick_tim_7xx.launch for a TiM-7xx). Note that the launch file provides the default configuration for a lidar family; a missing launch file may cause unexpected behaviour. We highly recommend to use the provided launch file sick_tim_7xx.launch and to overwrite parameter if required. Normally this is just the hostname (the lidars ip address), ros topic and frame id. Use for launching sick_scan_xd directly or take it as an example for function generate_launch_description. A configuration using sick_tim_7xx.launch can be or may e.g. look like this:
def generate_launch_description():
ld = LaunchDescription()
sick_scan_pkg_prefix = get_package_share_directory('sick_scan_xd')
launch_file_path = os.path.join(sick_scan_pkg_prefix, 'launch/sick_tim_7xx.launch')
node = Node(
return ld
A time_offset = -0.47 seconds is configured. A negative time_offset might cause negative timestamps. A time_offset of -0.47 suggests a mean delay of 470 milliseconds for tcp packets, which is unusual. We recommend to use default value 0 unless you are very sure about network latencies.
Please run the following steps:
ros2 launch sick_scan_xd hostname:= laserscan_topic:=scan_obstacle frame_id:=nav2_obstacle
@rostest, I did what you said and checked dds and kernel buffers additionally. There is a issue somewhere for the bloom release iron on arm64 platform as prior versions did not do that and my launch file has been same. I also removed the time offset but result is same.
Thanks for following up. We cannot reproduce this error, but have additionally secured the timestamp against negative values. Please use the update in branch feature/issue_update_2412xx, rebuild and retry. Please try at first with the default configuration using ros2 launch sick_scan_xd hostname:= laserscan_topic:=scan_obstacle frame_id:=nav2_obstacle
The master branch has a issue, where runtime throws error and crashes the Node with std:: negative time error cannot be stored, It looks to me software time sync issue, does not happen in the previous release so ported back for now. Platform is arm64 Jetson Orin, ros2 iron.