SIDN / ietf-epp-restful-transport

RESTful transport for EPP
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How to handle authInfo data for INFO command (GET request)? #9

Closed mwullink closed 7 months ago

mwullink commented 8 months ago

A domain of contact info request and domain transfer may need to include a authInfoType element in the std xml request.

how do we send this to the server, using request payload in the message body for a GET request is not defined and recommended.

options are:

Until the HTTP QUERY method is standardized, we may have no option other than using a header.

rfc9110 states one should not use messagebody for GET request as the result is undefined. see:

this is the xml syntax for authInfoType:

<complexType name="authInfoType">
      <element name="pw" type="eppcom:pwAuthInfoType"/>
      <element name="ext" type="eppcom:extAuthInfoType"/>
mwullink commented 8 months ago

In the case where authInfoType is required for a info request, the client should use the POST method and include the epp request incl the authInfoType in the mesage body

mwullink commented 7 months ago

client can use the REPP-authInfo header for a sinple token and use GET method

if complex token (incl roid) must be used then the client must use a complete request message and the POST method