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Create a bidscrambler_eeg/meg #13

Open marcelzwiers opened 4 weeks ago

marcelzwiers commented 4 weeks ago

I have already created bidscramblers for tsv, json and nifti files, but I feel that I don't have the expertise to write a scrambler for eeg and meeg data.

robertoostenveld commented 4 weeks ago

Can you search for Open Source (and GPL compatible?) Python code to read and write the various file formats?

marcelzwiers commented 4 weeks ago


robertoostenveld commented 2 weeks ago

Should we have bidscrambler_xxx where xxx is the file format? The reason for asking is that there is not a single file format (as with nifti) in use with EEG and MEG, but a few each.

marcelzwiers commented 2 weeks ago

I think having one scrambler_eeg/ function is fine. The different file formats can then be handled within that function. But if it becomes big, we can always split things. The user won't know anyhow, because the CLI is all handled by