SIESTA-eu / wp15

work package 15, use case 2
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problems with MATLAB path in ERPCore use case #15

Open robertoostenveld opened 3 weeks ago

robertoostenveld commented 3 weeks ago

following installation of use case-2.4 I end up with this directory tree

mac036> tree -L 2 -d eeglab2024.0/plugins/
├── Fieldtrip-lite20240111
│   └── fieldtrip-20240111
├── ICLabel
│   ├── matconvnet
│   ├── tests
│   └── viewprops
├── PICARD1.0
│   └── picard-matlab
├── bids-matlab-tools8.0
│   └── bids-matlab-tools
├── clean_rawdata
│   ├── manopt
│   └── private
├── dipfit
│   ├── private
│   ├── standard_BEM
│   └── standard_BESA
├── firfilt
│   └── private
├── limo_tools
│   ├── deprecated
│   ├── external
│   ├── help
│   └── limo_cluster_functions
└── zapline-plus1.2.1
    └── zapline-plus-1.2.1

27 directories

For some (like fieldtrip, zapline, picard) there is a folder in a folder, which causes the addpath statement to fail.

robertoostenveld commented 3 weeks ago

this is related to #5

@CPernet will take this up with @arnodelorme to get it fixed upstream