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Ingest parallaxes from Ultracool sheet #528

Closed Exu-112 closed 2 days ago

Exu-112 commented 1 week ago

Short description: Ingest of parallaxes from Ultracool sheet, as well as rework of ingest_parallax function

Link to relevant issue: Closes #527

For data ingests:

kelle commented 1 week ago

return a dictionary called flags.

Exu-112 commented 1 week ago

return a dictionary called flags.

  • "added": True if it's added and False if it's skipped.
  • "content": the data that was attempted to add
  • "message": string which includes information about why skipped

How should errors be handled? Should we return with the flags immediately or raise an error with the flags contained within? The first option would be a little confusing with regard to the raise_error flag and the fact that we don't raise errors anymore, but the second doesn't give you the flags dictionary anyways which seems to defeat the point of having it in the first place.

kelle commented 1 week ago

When raise_error is True, you don't need to return anything. But when raise_error is False is when the flags are most important cause it should return added: False.