SINTEF-9012 / cloudml

CloudML: Transparent deployment of cloud applications
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Impossible to get the status even after a correct deploy #44

Closed rickdesantis closed 9 years ago

rickdesantis commented 9 years ago

Hello, I'm having some problems while asking the status of the system right after the deploy (which did go well).

Asking a

!getSnapshot { path : / }

won't return anything, and will only show in the CloudML-Shell.log file as a

Jul 13, 2015 2:04:58 PM org.cloudml.codecs.JsonCodec save
SEVERE: null

with no other data returned. Waiting (also minutes) after a deploy won't help me here, and this is happening multiple times now. It did work only the 7th time after 6 consecutive failed attempts.

rickdesantis commented 9 years ago

My guess is that this is linked to .

nicolasferry commented 9 years ago

Ok I will have a look at this, are you experiencing this right after a deployment or after a scale out?

rickdesantis commented 9 years ago

It's right after the deploy. It did happen again now, and even without that message in the log (it was just stuck somehow).

nicolasferry commented 9 years ago

can you send me your deployment model? I will test right now

rickdesantis commented 9 years ago

Here it is:

    "eClass": "net.cloudml.core:CloudMLModel",
    "name": "HTTPAgent2AWS",
    "providers": [
            "credentials": "/tmp/scalingrulestests/1307151655/",
            "eClass": "net.cloudml.core:Provider",
            "name": "aws-ec2",
            "properties" : [{
                "eClass" : "net.cloudml.core:Property",
                "name" : "MaxVMs",
                "value" : "3"
    "internalComponents": [
            "eClass": "net.cloudml.core:InternalComponent",
            "name": "app",
            "resources": [{
                "eClass": "net.cloudml.core:Resource", 
                "name": "startApp", 
                "startCommand": "bash /home/ubuntu/updateEverything  ;  sudo bash /home/ubuntu/startHTTPAgent  ;  source /home/ubuntu/.bashrc  ;  bash /home/ubuntu/startImperialDC"
            "requiredExecutionPlatform" : {
                "eClass" : "net.cloudml.core:RequiredExecutionPlatform",
                "name" : "appRequired",
                "owner" : "internalComponents[app]"
    "internalComponentInstances": [
            "eClass": "net.cloudml.core:InternalComponentInstance",
            "name": "appInstance",
            "type": "internalComponents[app]",
            "requiredExecutionPlatformInstance" : {
                "eClass" : "net.cloudml.core:RequiredExecutionPlatformInstance",
                "name" : "appRequiredInstance",
                "owner" : "internalComponentInstances[appInstance]",
                "type" : "internalComponents[app]/requiredExecutionPlatform[appRequired]"
    "vms": [
            "eClass": "net.cloudml.core:VM",
            "imageId": "eu-west-1/ami-a0d797d7",
            "is64os": true,
            "location": "eu-west-1",
            "providerSpecificTypeName": "m3.large",
            "maxStorage": "8",
            "minStorage": "8",
            "name": "HTTPAgent",
            "os": "ubuntu",
            "privateKey": "/tmp/scalingrulestests/1307151655/desantis-ireland.pem",
            "providedExecutionPlatforms": [
                    "eClass": "net.cloudml.core:ProvidedExecutionPlatform",
                    "name": "HTTPAgentTIER",
                    "offers": [
                            "eClass": "net.cloudml.core:Property",
                            "name": "OS",
                            "value": "Ubuntu"
                    "owner": "vms[HTTPAgent]"
            "provider": "providers[aws-ec2]",
            "securityGroup": "default",
            "sshKey": "desantis-ireland"
    "vmInstances": [
            "eClass": "net.cloudml.core:NodeInstance",
            "name": "httpAgentInstance131",
            "type": "vms[HTTPAgent]",
            "providedExecutionPlatformInstances": [
                    "eClass": "net.cloudml.core:ProvidedExecutionPlatformInstance",
                    "name": "httpAgentTier",
                    "owner": "vmInstances[httpAgentInstance131]",
                    "type": "vms[HTTPAgent]/providedExecutionPlatforms[HTTPAgentTIER]"
    "executesInstances": [
            "eClass": "net.cloudml.core:ExecuteInstance",
            "name": "runApp",
            "providedExecutionPlatformInstance": "vmInstances[httpAgentInstance131]/providedExecutionPlatformInstances[httpAgentTier]",
            "requiredExecutionPlatformInstance": "internalComponentInstances[appInstance]/requiredExecutionPlatformInstance[appRequiredInstance]"

Thank you!

nicolasferry commented 9 years ago

Thanks, last question, you are using the remoteFacade to deploy?

CloudML cml= Factory.getInstance().getCloudML("ws://");

rickdesantis commented 9 years ago

No, I'm using the web socket interface directly.

nicolasferry commented 9 years ago

I deployed three times your model and I have always been able to retrieve the model with:

!getSnapshot { path : / }

Do you receive the ack that state that your deployment is completed? Did you change something in the model you pasted compared to the one you use? Because the log bellow mean that the engine is not able to serialize the runtime model.

Jul 13, 2015 2:04:58 PM org.cloudml.codecs.JsonCodec save
SEVERE: null
nicolasferry commented 9 years ago

I also tested to retrieve status of specific instances without any problem:

path : /componentInstances[name='httpAgentInstance131']
nicolasferry commented 9 years ago

Hi Riccardo,

I did quite some changes to the mechanism to update the status of the VMs, from my side it seems to work fine. Please, let me know if it also solve the problem from your side.

rickdesantis commented 9 years ago

Hi Nicolas, I'm not getting it anymore, but the thing is that I don't have a way to quickly replicate it, as it is happening randomly.

It isn't showing anymore for now, so probably it is solved! Closing the bug, then. Thank you!