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Bug: wrong error message #6

Open VikingScientist opened 4 years ago

VikingScientist commented 4 years ago

Screenshot from 2020-02-03 14-49-24

Requesting to download an area of less than 16 km2 still gives the error message that this is too big. My current guess is that it won't accept long_thin areas, but anything less than 4km x 4km is fine.

TheBB commented 4 years ago

This is because the bounding box in UTM33 axis-aligned coordinates is bigger than the actual polygon, which is axis-aligned in latitude and longitude.

VikingScientist commented 4 years ago

Really? Is the difference this great? Screenshot from 2020-02-03 15-24-29

I tried creating a stupidly long thin region which reportedly is less than 6km2, and this also failed.

EDIT: When it was thin enough (0,7km2) it actually did work.

VikingScientist commented 4 years ago

Your reasoning makes sense, but we'll still keep it as a bug since the error message is misleading. Potential solutions

TheBB commented 4 years ago

I agree it's misleading. Just to be clear though, the area on the right is not an approximation and it is the genuine area of the polygon. then computes a bounding box in the UTM33 coordinate system, which will generally be larger. It's this bounding box that must be limited by 16 km2.

VikingScientist commented 4 years ago

So the "square" bounding box is given in (lat,lon), which translates to a parlellogram(ish) region in UTM33 which is the one returned from This is also the reason for the cut-off no-data regions in the seemingly rotated rectangle which is returned as a tiff file.

You can actually see this distortion with your naked eye if you look at for instance Nordkapp in google earth (lat-lon) vs hoydedata (UTM33) where the angle of the coastlines go in different directions

Screenshot from 2020-02-04 09-31-58


Screenshot from 2020-02-04 09-32-00

Google maps

VikingScientist commented 2 years ago

If the "preview" button on #43 is implemented, then this will also be fixed