SIPp / sipp

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The parser confuses <> in attribute value as a tag #670

Closed VanMacGi closed 2 months ago

VanMacGi commented 7 months ago

With xml scenario contains an assignstr element like that:

      <assignstr assign_to="dummy" value="Alice <>"/>

The SIPp shows error:

Unexpected </action> (expected </assignstr>)
2023-11-26  15:09:54.629523 1700986194.629523: Invalid XML in scenario
2023-11-26  15:09:54.629523 1700986194.629523: Invalid XML in scenario

Via debugging, I saw that the <> is parsed as an element, then the "/>" is used for closing this element instead of the assignstr.

wdoekes commented 2 months ago

See #414 . Should be closed by #725 and #721