SIU-CS-435 / gallerist-online

Main repo for CS435 semester project for team JAMiN. An online multiplayer turn based board game.
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Improve/implement game actions/bonuses #65

Open mbrajk opened 8 years ago

mbrajk commented 8 years ago

As a condition for #14 we need to make sure that all game actions are implemented and that they perform all the required functions applicable to that action (e.g. updating money, influence, etc.). There is also a bonus type of turn that needs to be implemented. @axelwales you may need to chime in on how we determine when a bonus action happens.

mbrajk commented 8 years ago

Or we could read the rules..

axelwales commented 8 years ago

Oh, umm, it's not an action per se. But certain bonuses require a player to make a decision. Like which tickets they take or which artist they make more famous. There are also little decision points elsewhere in the game. So basically we need pause when executing an action for further player choices. So probably in implementation terms these would be "actions" the user could perform.