SIU-CS / Finite_Loop-production

CS 435 - Parking spot finder application for Android.
Apache License 2.0
0 stars 3 forks source link

Require updates for the newest version #21

Closed Andimoh closed 7 years ago

Andimoh commented 7 years ago


As a user, I want to be able to use the most current version of the app to make sure that the kiosk system works correctly when trying to reserve a spot.

Acceptance criteria:

  1. Popup will activate whenever an older version of the app is detected.
  2. Popup will direct users to the Google Play Store to download the current version.
  3. User has the ability to decline update.
  4. Application closes whenever the update is refused.

    Story source:SRS - SRS - FR13

    Estimate: 5 man-hours