SJSU-Robotic / ros-curriculum

ROS Curriculum for SJSU Robotics Team - Intelligent Systems Division
MIT License
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lattapolw ros-track #3

Open ntwong0 opened 4 years ago

ntwong0 commented 4 years ago

Agenda 10/8

Agenda 10/1

Agenda 9/24

Work on navgoal publisher

ntwong0 commented 4 years ago


I wanted to follow up RE: the world.launch file's issue with loading the simulation world. Before roslaunching, cd to the gazebo/ directory, and run


Regarding the state estimation node /ekf_localization, the localization.yaml configuration file for the node, the parameters set to true does indeed indicate that the parameter is intended for the Kalman filter's sensor fusion.

The /husky_velocity_controller/odom topic comes from a node of type diff_drive_controller/DiffDriveController, which also publishes the /cmd_vel twist commands. The odometry of this topic are the velocities translated from the twist command, and the fused parameters correspond to the linear x, y, z velocities and angular yaw velocity.

The /imu/data's fused parameters correspond to the angular x, y, z orientations (i.e. compass sensing) and angular x, y, z velocities (i.e. gyroscope sensing).

For a more in depth exploration of robot_localization this video by the package author is a great resource.

Sorry I didn't get in depth with this earlier, I hope this reflection helps.

lattapolw commented 4 years ago


Thank you for the follow up! I was trying to pass the argument into the world_name in empty_world.launch, but it wasn't working. I think it is able to find the file now, but I ran into new errors saying "Unable to find uri" which I'm not sure what it is. Do you know how to fix this?


ntwong0 commented 4 years ago

@lattapolw interesting - this means that the underlying models can't be found.

If you use the the echo $GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH command, what do you see?

Also, where are your gazebo/ and capstone_resources/ directories located?

lattapolw commented 4 years ago


When I use echo command, it returns back /home/ubuntu/catkin_ws/capstone/ros-curriculum/capstone_resources/gazebo. This is only after I already ran the export GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH=$(pwd), or else it doesn't show anything.

My gazebo/ directory is the same as the one returned in echo command and the capstone_resources/ is the one above gazebo/.

ntwong0 commented 4 years ago


The export command modifies the environment variables for the terminal window in which it is used. So long as you then run gazebo

(either with rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo or roslaunch ../launch/world.launch)

from that same terminal window/tab, it should be able to load up the resources from gazebo/

However, if the terminal window/tab that ran export is DIFFERENT from the one that runs gazebo, then this problem would arise.

I noticed from your screenshot that you have multiple terminals running, so I was wondering if this is the case.

ntwong0 commented 4 years ago

Reposting references from our convo for future reference:

ntwong0 commented 4 years ago

Good meeting! Great progress on the move_base client; here's some links to the documentation we went over today:

I've updated the todos list for this issue to reflect what you accomplished and what's ahead

For next week:

ntwong0 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for today!

I'll share the following with you next week: