SJSURoboticsTeam / URC-Science-2024

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Chemical Testing of Lipids -- Unknown if will be implemented #16

Open SGraysonSpangenberg opened 8 months ago

SGraysonSpangenberg commented 8 months ago

Chemical Testing of Lipids

The goal is to chemically test for lipids which combined with the other 2 tests will give a strong indication the biotic processes have to have been occurring in order to cause all three organic molecules to exist together!

SGraysonSpangenberg commented 8 months ago

Find research to support a method of testing that step

SGraysonSpangenberg commented 8 months ago

Test said method

SGraysonSpangenberg commented 8 months ago

Outline for other teams to integrate

Lev-ide commented 7 months ago

Lev-ide commented 7 months ago

Acrolein test

Intro: The Acrolein test is used to determine the presence of fat or oil in a solution.

Chemical process: Acrolein (C3H4O) is an organic compound that is released when fats or oils is heated with crystals of potassium bisulfate (KHSO4)

Compound info: Acrolein is the simplest unsaturated aldehyde. It is a colorless liquid with a foul aroma.

Lev-ide commented 7 months ago

Sudan III test

Intro: The Sudan III test is used to determine the presence of lipids, triglycerides, and lipoproteins

Chemical process; Sudan III is a red fat-soluble dye that reacts with lipids to stain them red. Sudan III does not bind to any other substrate but lipids. The oil will strain red with Sudan III dye since it is a lipid and contains triglycerides. Since the oil is less dense than water the oil will form a layer or globules above the water.

Reagent info: Sudan III is a lysochrome (fat-soluble dye) diazo dye. It is used to color nonpolar substances such as oils, fats, waxes, grease, various hydrocarbon products, and acrylic emulsions. It is used for training triglycerides in frozen sections, and some protein bound lipids and lipoproteins on paraffin sections. It has the appearance of reddish-brown crystals.

Lev-ide commented 7 months ago

Find research regarding separation of oil from soil samples