SJTU-IPADS / PowerInfer

High-speed Large Language Model Serving on PCs with Consumer-grade GPUs
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关于token生成速率的计算问题 #150

Open bulaikexiansheng opened 4 months ago

bulaikexiansheng commented 4 months ago

您好!感谢您出色的工作!我在复现您的工作的时候尝试计算每一个模型的生成速率(针对于您提供的Evaluation中的Falcon-40b)。代码为 ./build/bin/main -m /data/models/falcon-40b-relu-powerinfer/falcon-40b-relu.q4.powerinfer.gguf -n 512 -t 8 -p "In the depths of twilight, where shadows dance with whispers, ancient secrets stir beneath the surface, beckoning the curious to unravel mysteries that linger within the fabric of time and space, awaiting discovery and enlightenment. The moon casts its gentle glow, illuminating pathways obscured by darkness, guiding intrepid souls on a journey towards the unknown, where truths and wonders intertwine in the eternal dance of existence." --vram-budget 22

我使用以下的方法计算Falcon-40B: llama_print_timings: load time = 13806.71 ms llama_print_timings: sample time = 240.38 ms / 254 runs ( 0.95 ms per token, 1056.67 tokens per second) llama_print_timings: prompt eval time = 2031.23 ms / 79 tokens ( 25.71 ms per token, 38.89 tokens per second) llama_print_timings: eval time = 10300.94 ms / 253 runs ( 40.72 ms per token, 24.56 tokens per second) llama_print_timings: total time = 12701.22 ms Log end

1000 / (0.95 + 25.71 + 40.72)= 1000 / 67.38 = 14.84 token/s


hodlen commented 4 months ago

如我们论文中所述,我们在评估模型推理速度使用的计算方法是使用prompt和输出的总token数,除以prompt phase和generation phase的总时间。另外,为了控制输出token数确定,我们会使用--ignore-eos参数避免模型因为输出EOS提前结束。

从你的例子来看,正确的计算结果是 (79 + 253) / (2031.23/1000 + 10300.94/1000) = 26.92 tokens/s。

bulaikexiansheng commented 4 months ago

感谢您的解答!请问您能提供github中在4090上evaluation的Falcon 40B和LLaMA 70B所使用的代码吗?我的代码如下: ./build/bin/main -m /data/models/falcon-40b-relu-powerinfer/falcon-40b-relu.q4.powerinfer.gguf -n 128 -t 8 -p "In the depths of twilight, where shadows dance with whispers, ancient secrets stir beneath the surface, beckoning the curious to unravel mysteries that linger within the fabric of time and space, awaiting discovery and enlightenment. The moon casts its gentle glow, illuminating pathways obscured by darkness, guiding intrepid souls on a journey towards the unknown, where truths and wonders intertwine in the eternal dance of existence." --vram-budget 22 --ignore-eos 因为我在本地算得在8、128、512下的token/s分别为: 37.10、27.42、26.60 输出日志如下:

falcon-40b-512 llama_print_timings: load time = 13862.35 ms llama_print_timings: sample time = 475.49 ms / 512 runs ( 0.93 ms per token, 1076.78 tokens per second) llama_print_timings: prompt eval time = 1747.90 ms / 79 tokens ( 22.13 ms per token, 45.20 tokens per second) llama_print_timings: eval time = 20435.84 ms / 511 runs ( 39.99 ms per token, 25.01 tokens per second) llama_print_timings: total time = 22916.22 ms Log end

算得:590/(1747.90 / 1000 + 20435.84 / 1000) = 26.60

hodlen commented 4 months ago


如果你想在现在的基础上进一步提升性能,可以考虑使用略微超过硬件上限的 --vram-budget 进一步多offload一定tensor,直到遇到CUDA OOM;可以设置context window -c 为输出的长度,减少KV cache使用从而可以offload更多权重。更进一步,可以考虑通过调节硬件参数提升CPU AVX和GPU的性能,也会对最终性能有所帮助。