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PRE ALPHA - The reworked version (next generation) of Hyperion
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Entertainment api Coreelec #16

Open Shawn9347 opened 4 years ago

Shawn9347 commented 4 years ago

@SJunkies So I managed to install as a service on Coreelec but without the entertainment-api. I grabbed a release for amlogic and unzipped it with this command: curl -# -L --get | tar --strip-components=1 -C /storage share/hyperion -xz

What I don't understand is that the release file has 2.0.0alpha4(now 5 just got updated) in the title but when extracted and booted up it says version 2.0.0.

At first I thought it was an issue with their pre compiled binaries so I cross compiled your entertainment branch on a debian laptop in docker for my amlogic platform. But it has the same issue. When I look into the build files it does include entertainment api in the code but when I start the service with the extracted binaries entertainment api is nowhere to be found in the web ui. And it says version 2.0.0 instead of 2.0.0alpha4.

SJunkies commented 4 years ago

@Rickexe Sorry for the really late reply! It sounds like you downloaded the right version, but it starts only the integrated version that comes with Coreelec! BUT: The entertainment API is ready and will be merged (i hope) into the master branch soon! ;) So there is a high chance, that the next Coreelec release could use / update to the next version with the entertainment-api included! 🤞

Shawn9347 commented 4 years ago

That's fantastic news!!! I am soooo looking forward to it. I will finally get to see the full potential of my ambilight setup.

Shawn9347 commented 4 years ago

How long do you think it will take? Are we talking in weeks or months...?

SJunkies commented 4 years ago

How long do you think it will take? Are we talking in weeks or months...?

I hope the merge in the master branch will take place in the next few days.

Shawn9347 commented 4 years ago

Oooh nice. Keep at it!

Shawn9347 commented 4 years ago

Hey, from what I can understand from the commits the api is now combined with the master branch? Awesome work! Hopefully they will soon release a coreele version of it.