SKCraft / Launcher

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Scaling Support #153

Open Slind14 opened 8 years ago

Slind14 commented 8 years ago


more and more users are upgrading to high res. hardware. Its already common for notebooks and the stand alone monitors are getting more and more, too. With the launcher not scaling this is a major issue for an increasing amount of users.

With the current UI lib not supporting scaling, this would probably be a major change and java 6 support might need to be dropped for a lib with scaling support (e.g. Javafx). Which I know @sk89q doesn't like. What are our options?

spannerman79 commented 8 years ago

Slind14 commented 8 years ago

Just to clarify, this is about the UI and not the "news page rendering".

spannerman79 commented 8 years ago

If you read the direct comment that i linked you would have read the comment about using Electron....

Slind14 commented 8 years ago

That has nothing to do with the UI scaling issue. That's more like a completely new project.

sk89q commented 8 years ago

HiDPI support is slated for Java 9 as far as I know.

It may be possible to scale up fonts in the meantime.

Slind14 commented 8 years ago

javafx supports scaling, but that would mean the rewrite of the entire UI.

I doubt that changing the font would be enough to make it usable, here are some examples:

jtrent238 commented 8 years ago

Yea I can't use it like this!, although I don't have this problem Cant it be change in the code?

wizjany commented 8 years ago

if the problem doesn't even affect you, and you don't have anything to contribute, do everyone a favor and stay quiet. you didn't even bother reading the rest of the conversation before making your inane remarks.

sk89q commented 8 years ago

Easier to wait for Java 9 at this point. Rewriting the UI is a lot of work.

jtrent238 commented 7 years ago

See #163 for some code that may help.

hedgehog1029 commented 3 years ago

have we tried setting sun.java2d.uiScale=1; I don't have any hidpi monitors so I can't test this