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Creator Tools Slow Test Launch #491

Open budgej opened 1 year ago

budgej commented 1 year ago

Using 4.6-SNAPSHOT, with Java 17 or 19, I've found that the creator tools takes an extremely long time to complete the "jarsplitter" task. At least 5 minutes. Is there a way to speed this up?

budgej commented 1 year ago

I should note, in case it wasn't obvious in the screenshot, that I am working from a networked drive. 1000 Mbps link.

hedgehog1029 commented 1 year ago

hahahaha oh no. yeah the network drive is probably slowing you down quite a lot there

The processor tasks are all defined by Forge and they're basically black boxes, so there's not much I can do about them, unfortunately. I would definitely recommend avoiding the network drive if you can.

That said, the processor tasks do have defined inputs and outputs, so there's some vague plan to cache the results when I have the time to look into it.