SKCraft / Launcher

🚀 Distribute your Minecraft modpacks with a custom launcher
613 stars 427 forks source link down - building not working #523

Closed JHubi1 closed 7 months ago

JHubi1 commented 7 months ago

Hi! I'm new, and I wanted to try this repository. To start, I tried to follow the getting-started-guide, but when I try to build, this error shows up:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':launcher-fancy:shadowJar'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':launcher-fancy:runtimeClasspath'.
   > Could not resolve io.github.cottonmc.insubstantial:substance:7.3.1-SNAPSHOT.
     Required by:
         project :launcher-fancy
      > Could not resolve io.github.cottonmc.insubstantial:substance:7.3.1-SNAPSHOT.
         > Unable to load Maven meta-data from
            > Could not GET ''. Received status code 503 from server: Service Unavailable

If you visit the link in this error, an HTTP error 503 is shown. The homepage is the same, but with a fancy Cloudflare styling. Hope this gets fixed soon. ~ Jakob

hedgehog1029 commented 7 months ago

should be solved now. i'm gonna move that artifact off my maven server in future as it's been kinda unstable as of late