SKCraft / Launcher

🚀 Distribute your Minecraft modpacks with a custom launcher
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[Enhancements] New feature requests #89

Open ajthemacboy opened 8 years ago

ajthemacboy commented 8 years ago

Hi, I have a few feature requests;

The ability to hide the log window in settings, and the ability to hide the 'login' prompt if a password is saved.

The latter could be configured so that login information is handled in settings, instead of before every launch. Or possibly like how the vanilla launcher handles it; a switch user button somewhere on the main window.

1n5aN1aC commented 8 years ago

I second this.

The ability to hide the login prompt would be nice, though really just a quality-of-life improvement.

As far as hide the log window, This is something that I would very much be interested in, and I'm sure a large number of my users would use

One step further than this would be the option to have the launcher automatically close after minecraft has begun loading. While this would prevent them from using the convenient log uploader (amazing idea, btw) I have 2 or 3 users where the extra 200-400 MB of ram that it consumes in the background is not really an option for them, and they have to manually kill it after minecraft is started up in order to ensure they have enough ram :/