SKGleba / iTLS-Enso

Adds TLS v1.2 to Enso enabled devices
236 stars 14 forks source link

Every time I install iTLS my NoNpDrm plugin file changed some way #10

Closed t33st33r closed 4 years ago

t33st33r commented 4 years ago

What is nonpdrm_un.skprx? When I install your software I see no more my ur0:/tai/nonpdrm.skprx file. There is a bigger nonpdrm_un.skprx in the same place of the original. I am using CFWv3.60 and I have this issue no matter what base nonpdrm is v1.1 or v1.2

Please... excuse my low level english language. This is not my native language.


SKGleba commented 4 years ago

The official installer does not modify other plugins in any way