SKGleba / yamt-vita

Yet another (re)mount tool for PSP2 Vita and Dolce
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What are the steps to compile? #15

Closed evertonstz closed 4 years ago

evertonstz commented 4 years ago

I'm having some troubles compiling the source code. I'm runing cmake and make inside ./plugin/kernel and ./plugin/user resulting in yamt.skprx and yamt.suprx, moved those two files into ./plugin. But I'm not able to compile yamt_360.skprx or yamt_360.suprx, therefore when I run make in the root to build the .apk I get the following error:

Scanning dependencies of target yamt.self
[ 50%] Converting to Sony ELF yamt.velf
make[2]: Circular CMakeFiles/yamt.self <- yamt.self dependency dropped.
make[2]: Circular yamt.self <- yamt.self dependency dropped.
[ 60%] Creating SELF yamt.self
[ 60%] Built target yamt.self
Scanning dependencies of target yamt.vpk
[ 70%] Generating param.sfo for yamt.vpk
make[2]: *** No rule to make target 'plugin/yamt_360.skprx', needed by 'yamt.vpk'.  Stop.
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:81: CMakeFiles/yamt.vpk.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:84: all] Error 2
SKGleba commented 4 years ago

Yeaaah the cmake file needs to be rewritten. For now you need to compile the user plugin and move it to /plugin/yamt.suprx, then compile the kernel plugin and move it to /plugin/yamt_FIRMWARE.skprx.

evertonstz commented 4 years ago

so can I just rename the yamt.skprx to yamt_360.skprx and yamt_365.skprx? Are they all the same file with different names?

SKGleba commented 4 years ago

Nop, 3.65 one compiled with the 3.65 libs and offsets (-DNEWFW set).

AlC4pwn commented 4 years ago

Were you able to compile it? I moved the .suprx and .skprx files but I'm still getting the same error.

evertonstz commented 4 years ago

Were you able to compile it? I moved the .suprx and .skprx files but I'm still getting the same error.

I was not. I'm gonna wait for the cmakes to be rewritten.

AlC4pwn commented 4 years ago

I think I understand what you're saying, when the kernel plugin is compiled you have to add the correct offset for 360 or 365 and then rename yamt.skprx to the matching version. The only thing is, what is the proper command for cmake with the -DNEWFW offset? Also, if you just do the normal 'cmake .&& make' in the kernel directory is that yamt_360.skprx?