SKGleba / yamt-vita

Yet another (re)mount tool for PSP2 Vita and Dolce
164 stars 11 forks source link

400GB card's #23

Closed Shadow322 closed 3 years ago

Shadow322 commented 3 years ago

YAMT formatting to TexFAT and StorageFormat will not format the card to TexFAT when placed into pc says its fat32

Masamune3210 commented 3 years ago

I may be wrong but doesn't texfat still show up as exact and TFAT as fat32 to desktop windows? if I am remembering correctly the desktop versions don't technecally support them so they just show up as their normal versions

Shadow322 commented 3 years ago

Other people reported on discord that it will show up as exfat on Windows so there is a problem with your tools and 400GB cards

SKGleba commented 3 years ago

YAMT can format up to 2TB, if it doesnt work it means the sd card is not compatible with YAMT.