SKolodynski / IsarMathLib

IsarMathLib is a library of formalized mathematics for Isabelle/ZF.
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Possibility of CI with github actions #6

Closed dan323 closed 1 year ago

dan323 commented 4 years ago

It could be interesting to investigate if there is a way to apply some CI steps at PR creation, push to master and even publish the website at each release. I personally do not have any idea how to run Isabelle on the remote machine with github actions.

SKolodynski commented 4 years ago

Alexander Krauss did something like that for his Isabelle ZF Experiments project using an Isabelle docker image hosted at Circle CI. I am not sure the time investment needed to set this up is worth it at the scale IsarMathLib operates.

dan323 commented 1 year ago

This issue was solved by executing CI that builds the IsarMathLib and that verifies the syle with the parser