SLaks / Rebracer

Saves editor formatting settings as part of each solution.
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JSON based settings #7

Closed am11 closed 9 years ago

am11 commented 10 years ago

Save settings in JSON format (replacing XML or optional; in addition to XML).

am11 commented 10 years ago

@SLaks, the code formatting of Rebarcer's cs files is JavaScript-like and tabbed-indentation:

public SettingsPersister(SVsServiceProvider sp, ILogger logger) {
    this.logger = logger;
    dte = (DTE)sp.GetService(typeof(DTE));

Are these your preferred settings for C# code base?

SLaks commented 10 years ago

Yes. (that's why I wrote this extension)

SLaks commented 10 years ago

I chose XML to be compatible with the existing VSSettings format, as detailed in the Readme.

Having two formats would be a bad idea; the whole point of this is to standardize settings in source control, and having two equivalent files is a recipe for trouble.