SLaks / Styliner

Turns CSS stylesheets into inline style="" attributes for HTML emails
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Move to q-io v2 branch to avoid ES6 issues #17

Closed scandox closed 8 years ago

scandox commented 8 years ago

At the moment some of the shim functions from collections 0.20 cause problems with ES6. For example the find shim actually has the functionality of findIndex. After including Styliner in a server side project using harmony, my find was monkeypatched by collections.

@kriskowal suggested moving the v2 branch of q-io. I updated my Styliner installation to use >=2.0.6 and cannot see any problems, after cursory testing. This version of q-io uses collections>=2.0.2.

Do you think it would be a big change to make?

SLaks commented 8 years ago

That should be fine; feel free to send a PR.