Open stephaneguerrier opened 9 years ago
This is a theory issue that @robertomolinari will need to address as the current implementation was built during the 24 hour stretch for the ASA competition.
This is also a duplicate of #67...
So, I'm closing this out. Please keep everything in that issue.
There is no theory issue here. This should be fixed quickly. Here is a simple code that should do the trick:
length.CI = function(mu, down, up, alpha = 0.05, eff = 0.6){
q1 = qnorm(1-alpha/2)
dist.up = up - mu
dist.dw = mu - down
coef = diff(c(-q1,q1)*sqrt(1/eff))/diff(c(-q1,q1)) = mu - dist.dw*coef = mu + dist.up*coef
x = rnorm(100)
wv = wvar(x)
Variance Low CI High CI
2 0.44268253 0.309408409 0.6857198
4 0.18659132 0.114018232 0.3596781
8 0.07397425 0.037704516 0.2056720
16 0.04126040 0.016425970 0.2301369
32 0.02590542 0.007252052 0.8143190
64 0.02163869 0.004307161 22.0337713
length.CI(0.44268253, 0.309408409, 0.6857198)
[1] 0.2706264 0.7564423
This seems like a hack that doesn't address the underlying issue with the code. From #67, the code that is problematic is:
eff = sqrt(sqrt(eff));
double eta3 = std::max(dims(i)/pow(2,i+1),1.0);
out(i,1) = eff * eta3 * y(i)/(R::qchisq(1-alpha_ov_2, eta3, 1, 0)); // Lower CI
out(i,2) = eta3 * y(i)/(eff*R::qchisq(alpha_ov_2, eta3, 1, 0)); // Upper CI
arma::vec wav_coef = sort(signal_modwt_bw(i));
y(i) = sig_rob_bw(wav_coef, eff);
Sorting the elements in the brickwall modwt is done by ascending values e.g. A to Z or from 0 to 9 not descending e.g. Z to A or from 9 to 0
sig_rob_bw obtains the robust WV at that specific point. (These match Roberto's supplied code).
See 519307b for implementation.
Test code:
length.CI = function(wv_robust, wv_class, down, up, alpha = 0.05, eff = 0.6){
q1 = qnorm(1-alpha/2)
dist.up = (up - wv_class)/wv_class
dist.dw = (wv_class - down)/wv_class
coef = diff(c(-q1,q1)*sqrt(1/eff))/diff(c(-q1,q1)) = wv_robust - dist.dw*coef*wv_robust = wv_robust + dist.up*coef*wv_robust
} = function(, wvar.rob){
low =$ci_low
high =$ci_high
mu = wvar.rob$variance
mu2 =$variance
alpha = wvar.rob$alpha
eff = wvar.rob$eff
n = length(mu)
low_rob = rep(NA,n)
high_rob = low_rob
for (i in 1:n){
inter = length.CI(mu[i], mu2[i], low[i], high[i], alpha = alpha, eff = eff)
if (inter[1] < 0){
low_rob[i] = mean(c(0,low[i]))
low_rob[i] = inter[1]
high_rob[i] = inter[2]
out = list(low = low_rob, high = high_rob)
N1 = 1000 = gen.gts(AR1(phi = .92, sigma2=0.01), N1)
alpha= 0.05$data[sample(1:N1,round(N1*alpha))] = rnorm(round(N1*alpha),0,0.78)
wvar1 = wvar(
wvar2 = wvar(, robust = T)
wvar3 = wvar2
interval =,wvar2)
wvar3$ci_low = interval$low
wvar3$ci_high = interval$high
compare.wvar(wvar1,wvar3, split = F)
compare.wvar(wvar1,wvar2, split = F)
lci = wv_ri - lci*coef*wv_ri;
if (inter[1] < 0){
low_rob[i] = lci
} else {
low_rob[i] = 2.2204460492503131e-16 # no longer uses wv_ci_low / 2
This problem should fix the point outside of the Robust WV.
Change approved by @robertomolinari .
Hi James,
It might be a bad idea to use low_rob[I] = 0 as we use a log-log plot to represent the data… What about low_rob[I] = wvar[I]/2? Any other ideas?
in this case is the smallest double possible DBL_EPSILON = 2.2204460492503131e-16
(e.g. how we code zero for parameter estimates to avoid initialization issues ).
Zeroing under this method encloses the robust WV estimate (unlike previously).
Robust WV is still not ideal under above change as it elongates the graph (repro by @Wenchao-Yang ):
data(imu6, package="imudata")
test1 = imu(imu6, gyros = 1:3, accels = 4:6, axis = c('X', 'Y', 'Z'), freq = 100)
wv1 = wvar(test1)
test2 = imu(imu6, gyros = 1, accels = 3:4, axis = c('X','X','Y'), freq = 100)
wv2 = wvar(test2, robust = T)
compare.wvar(wv1, wv2)
Possible fix:
Hide the last scale on the graph? (Apparently it is customary in WV literature to only show J-1 scales. CC: @robertomolinari )
How would you folks feel if we brought back:
double eff_mod = sqrt(sqrt(eff));
double eta3 = std::max(dims(i)/pow(2,i+1),1.0);
double lci = eff_mod * eta3 * wv/(R::qchisq(1-alpha_ov_2, eta3, 1, 0)); // Lower CI
If the LCI is less than 0?
The proposal is basically to bring back the original modified chi-squared intervals for that LCI < 0.
New approach: 755079b
Note: We aim to remove the last scale from estimation in a future build. Hence, there will be a J-1 scales...
The CI for the WV are off. If the efficiency is 60% the robust CI at the 95% confidence level should be about 30% (100_( diff(c(-2,2)_sqrt(1/0.6))/diff(c(-2,2)) - 1)) wider then the classical. In our code, it is about 2 times wider for the first scale... Example: