SMAC-Group / wv

:alarm_clock: This R package provides the tools to perform standard and robust wavelet variance analysis for time series (signal processing). Among others, aside from computing the wavelet variance and cross-covariance (classic and robust), the package provides inference tools (e.g. confidence intervals) and plotting tools allowing to perform some visual analysis and assess the properties of the underlying time series.
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Strange units single wavelet plot in compare_wvar #13

Open stefangachter opened 3 years ago

stefangachter commented 3 years ago

If I call compare_wvar with a single wavelet variance object, then the plot is "degenerated", see image below.

lionelvoirol commented 3 years ago

Hi, Thanks for noticing this issue Stefan. Could you please provide a reproducible example so we can investigate the bug and solve it? Thanks!

stefangachter commented 3 years ago

Here, an example:


imuObj <- list()
waveletVariances <- list()

imuObj[length(imuObj)+1] <- list(imu(adis_16405_imu1, gyros=1:3, acc=4:6, axis=c('X', 'Y', 'Z'), freq=100))
waveletVariances[length(waveletVariances)+1] <- list(wvar.imu(imuObj[[length(imuObj)]]))

title = 'ADIS 16405 IMU1'
xLabel = 'Time Scale (s)'
yLabel = 'Variance'
unitAcc = 'm/s^2'
unitGyro = 'deg/s'
unitAccVar = paste('(', unitAcc, ')^2', sep='')
unitGyroVar = paste('(', unitGyro, ')^2', sep='')
legendLables = NULL

plotObj =, c(waveletVariances, list(split=FALSE, auto.label.wvar=FALSE, axis.x.label=xLabel, axis.y.label=yLabel, units=c(unitGyroVar, unitAccVar), title=title, legend.label=legendLables)))

imuObj[length(imuObj)+1] <- list(imu(adis_16405_imu2, gyros=1:3, acc=4:6, axis=c('X', 'Y', 'Z'), freq=100))
waveletVariances[length(waveletVariances)+1] <- list(wvar.imu(imuObj[[length(imuObj)]]))

title = 'ADIS 16405 IMU1 and IMU2'
legendLables = c('IMU1', 'IMU2')

plotObj =, c(waveletVariances, list(split=FALSE, auto.label.wvar=FALSE, axis.x.label=xLabel, axis.y.label=yLabel, units=c(unitGyroVar, unitAccVar), title=title, legend.label=legendLables)))

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