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Query Balance Tests Non Canonical - 14/01/19 15:04 - 5004 #3510

Closed SME-Issues closed 5 years ago

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Query Balance Tests Non Canonical

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Understood and failed but likely higher priority

Expressions Notes
let me know how much I've got sitting in my account
After pre-processinglet me know how much i have got sitting in my account
  • expected intent to be query_balance but found query_payment
  • Response: Well, I've checked the most up-to-date records and since 15th December 2018 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £3,693.41.
(g) do I have any accounts with overdrawn balances
  • Expected context .AccountBalances .Count to be 1, but found 2.
  • Expected to find entity 'overdraft' but found only {overdrawn, balance, text, acct_type}
  • Response: I've evaluated the state of affairs and there's £-581.01 in your Business Current account and £23,410 in your Business Term Deposit account.
is my savings account full of cash
  • Expected context .AccountBalances .Count to be 1, but found 2.
  • Account type reference mismatch . Looking for: 'savings account', found: (none)
  • Response: So I've studied the numbers and there's £-581.01 in your Business Current account and £23,410 in your Business Term Deposit account.
can I see the bank balance for every savings account we have
  • Expected context .AccountNotFoundCount to be 0 because (make sure test is set up correctly), but found 1.
  • Account type reference mismatch . Looking for: 'savings account', found: 'the bank balance for savings account'
  • Response: That bank account type is not recognised by SME Banking.
check up on my total savings
  • Expected context .AccountNotFoundCount to be 0 because (make sure test is set up correctly), but found 1.
  • Account type reference mismatch . Looking for: 'savings', found: 'my total savings'
  • Response: That bank account type is not recognised by SME Banking.
how much is in the account labelled club and societies
  • Expected context .AccountNotFoundCount to be 0 because (make sure test is set up correctly), but found 1.
  • Account type reference mismatch . Looking for: 'club and societies account', found: 'labelled labelled club and societies'
  • Response: That bank account type is not recognised by SME Banking.
update me on my total savings
  • Expected context .AccountNotFoundCount to be 0 because (make sure test is set up correctly), but found 1.
  • Account type reference mismatch . Looking for: 'savings', found: 'total savings'
  • Response: That bank account type is not recognised by SME Banking.
if we go all the way back to april, how much money was in my current account
  • Expected context .BalanceDate to be <2018-04-30>, but found <0001-01-01 00:00:00 .000>.
  • Expected to find entity 'datetime' but found only {money, text, acct_type}
  • Response: So I've studied the numbers and there's £-581.01 in your Business Current account.
(G) show me what my savings account looked like back in may
  • Expected context .BalanceDate to be <2018-05-31>, but found <0001-01-01 00:00:00 .000>.
  • Account type reference mismatch . Looking for: 'savings account', found: 'what savings account'
  • Response: That bank account type is not recognised by SME Banking.
look back to last june and tell me how much was in my current account
  • Expected context .BalanceDate to be <2018-06-30>, but found <0001-01-01 00:00:00 .000>.
  • Other than 'extras, confirmations & unknown/none' expected a single chunk but found 2
  • Response: Righto, I've found out how things stand and there's £-581.01 in your Business Current account. In June 2018 your outgoings were nine payments totalling £3,921.14.
(g) look up june because I need to know what was in my savings account back then
  • Expected context .BalanceDate to be <2018-06-30>, but found <0001-01-01 00:00:00 .000>.
  • Other than 'extras, confirmations & unknown/none' expected a single chunk but found 2
  • Response: Well, I've checked the most up-to-date records and you have £23,410 in your Business Term Deposit account. In June 2018 your outgoings were nine payments totalling £3,921.14.
(G) show me what my savings account looked like back in june
  • Expected context .BalanceDate to be <2018-06-30>, but found <0001-01-01 00:00:00 .000>.
  • Account type reference mismatch . Looking for: 'savings account', found: 'what savings account'
  • Response: That bank account type is not recognised by SME Banking.
SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Understood and failed but likely lower priority

Expressions Notes
(G) at this time, how much do I have in my current business account
  • Account type reference mismatch . Looking for: 'business account', found: 'my current business account'
  • Response: I've had a look at the latest picture and you've got £-581.01 in your Business Current account and £23,410 in your Business Term Deposit account.
how much do I have in my current business account at the moment
  • Account type reference mismatch . Looking for: 'business account', found: 'my current business account'
  • Response: I've checked that out and there is £-581.01 in your Business Current account and £23,410 in your Business Term Deposit account.
(G) how much do I have right now in my current business account
  • Account type reference mismatch . Looking for: 'business account', found: 'my current business account'
  • Response: After checking, I can verify that there's £-581.01 in your Business Current account and £23,410 in your Business Term Deposit account.
(g) how much money is in my current business account at present
  • Account type reference mismatch . Looking for: 'business account', found: (none)
  • Response: All right, I've taken stock and you have £-581.01 in your Business Current account and £23,410 in your Business Term Deposit account.
(g) what do I have in my current business account at the moment
  • Account type reference mismatch . Looking for: 'business account', found: 'my current business account'
  • Response: I can see you currently have £-581.01 in your Business Current account and £23,410 in your Business Term Deposit account.
what does the balance of my club and societies account currently look like
  • Account type reference mismatch . Looking for: 'club and societies account', found: (none)
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however there is £21,418.99 in your Club & Societies Current account.
(G) what have I got right now in my current business account
  • Account type reference mismatch . Looking for: 'business account', found: 'my current business account'
  • Response: I've just reviewed your accounts and you currently have £-581.01 in your Business Current account and £23,410 in your Business Term Deposit account.
which account has the most generous balance
  • Expected to find entity 'comparator' but found only {jj, balance, text}
  • Response: I'm sorry but I didn't understand all of that, however you currently have £-581.01 in your Business Current account and £23,410 in your Business Term Deposit account.
which account has the most sizable balance
After pre-processingwhich account has the most sizeable balance
  • Expected {comparator} to have single value 'biggest' but found 'big'
  • Response: All right, I've taken stock and you have £-581.01 in your Business Current account and £23,410 in your Business Term Deposit account.
find those charity accounts and tell me how much is in them
  • Expected context .AccountNotFoundCount to be 0 because (make sure test is set up correctly), but found 1.
  • Account type reference mismatch . Looking for: 'charity accounts', found: 'find charity accounts'
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however that bank account type is not recognised by SME Banking.
look up the club and societies account and find out how much was in there last month
  • Expected ctx .AccountQueryContext .BalanceDate to be <2018-12-31>, but found <0001-01-01 00:00:00 .000>.
  • Expected to find entity 'date_mod' but found only {text, acct_type}
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however you've got £21,418.99 in your Club & Societies Choice account.
SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Test Exception

Expressions Notes
last month, how much was in my club and societies account last month PulseAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test ---> System .InvalidOperationException: Found multiple datetime entities in 'last month, how much was in my club and societies account last month' at PulseAPI .Handlers .DateHandler .GetEntities(List1 dateTimeEntities, List1 m…
check whether the business account is close to its overdraft limit PulseAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test ---> System .InvalidOperationException: Unsupported intent: 'multi_query' at PulseAPI .Processors .InputProcessor .ProcessIntent(IDialogueState previousDialogueState, Chunk chunk, PopulateQueryContextResult& populateQueryContext…
if there's anything in my business notice account let me know PulseAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test ---> System .InvalidOperationException: Unsupported intent: 'multi_query' at PulseAPI .Processors .InputProcessor .ProcessIntent(IDialogueState previousDialogueState, Chunk chunk, PopulateQueryContextResult& populateQueryContext…
is my bank balance in good health PulseAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test ---> System .InvalidOperationException: Unsupported intent: 'multi_query' at PulseAPI .Processors .InputProcessor .ProcessIntent(IDialogueState previousDialogueState, Chunk chunk, PopulateQueryContextResult& populateQueryContext…
across all my accounts, what's my balance PulseAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test ---> System .Net .WebException: The operation has timed out at System .Net .HttpWebRequest .GetResponse() at PulseAPI .Ai .AiRequester .GetResponse(WebRequest webRequest) in G:\SSDDev\Projects\SMEBanking\PulseAPI\Ai\AiRequester .cs…