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Compound Query Tests Invoice Followup - 04/07/19 09:24 - 5004 #4774

Open SME-Issues opened 5 years ago

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Compound Query Tests Invoice Followup

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Understood and failed but likely higher priority

Expressions Notes
grab the invoices for august and give me a total
  • Expected ctx .Intent not to be .
  • Response: Hang on - I didn't quite understand all that, however you have no invoices in August 2019.
can you tell me which alpha ltd invoices are unpaid then which is the biggest one
  • Expected ctx .ProcessorResponse .ChunkData .Count to be 2, but found 1.
  • Expected ctx to be 2, but found 1.
  • Response: I've just checked the up-to-the-minute situation and the biggest unpaid invoice you owe to Alpha Ltd was due on the 29th June 2019 for the amount of £804.
Do I need to pay anyone at the moment let me review May as well
  • Expected ctx .ProcessorResponse .ChunkData .Count to be 2, but found 1.
  • Expected ctx to be 2, but found 1.
  • Response: I've investigated the current situation and the amount owed to creditors is nine unpaid bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue.
SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Understood and failed but likely lower priority

Expressions Notes
Do I need to pay anyone at the moment and let me review May as well
  • Expected to find entity 'datetime_now' but found only {open_mod, paid_query, pay_to, text}
  • Response: I've scanned the digits and the amount owed to creditors is nine unpaid bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed to creditors by May 2020 is nine unpaid bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue.
Do I need to pay anyone at the moment, let me review May as well
  • Expected to find entity 'datetime_now' but found only {open_mod, paid_query, pay_to, text}
  • Response: After checking, I can verify that the amount owed to creditors is nine unpaid bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed to creditors by May 2020 is nine unpaid bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue.