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Compound Query Tests Invoice Partial - 04/07/19 09:24 - 5004 #4777

Open SME-Issues opened 5 years ago

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Compound Query Tests Invoice Partial

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Understood and failed but likely higher priority

Expressions Notes
tell me all the funny creditor invoices how much do i have to pay on Tues
  • Expected ctx .Intent to be 2, but found 1.
  • Expected ctx to be 2, but found 1.
  • Response: I can confirm the amount owed to creditors by Tuesday (2nd July) is seven outstanding bills totalling £4,490, all of which are overdue.
are there any open invoices from november and what are my invoices for last tomorrow
  • Expected ctx .ProcessorResponse .ChunkData .Count to be <2018-11-30>, but found <2019-11-30>.
  • Response: Regrettably, I didn't recognise everything you said, however the amount owed to creditors by November 2019 is nine open bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed from debtors by November 2019 is nine open invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue. You received 217 invoices totalling £93,669, of which 208 have been paid totalling £88,829 and you raised 273 invoices totalling £175,495, of which 264 have been paid totalling £165,638.
are there any open invoices from november then what are my invoices for last tomorrow
  • Expected ctx .ProcessorResponse .ChunkData .Count to be <2018-11-30>, but found <2019-11-30>.
  • Response: Hang on - I didn't quite understand all that, however the amount owed to creditors by November 2019 is nine open bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed from debtors by November 2019 is nine open invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue. You received 217 invoices totalling £93,669, of which 208 have been paid totalling £88,829 and you raised 273 invoices totalling £175,495, of which 264 have been paid totalling £165,638.
are there any open invoices from november, what are my invoices for last tomorrow
  • Expected ctx .ProcessorResponse .ChunkData .Count to be <2018-11-30>, but found <2019-11-30>.
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however the amount owed to creditors by November 2019 is nine open bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed from debtors by November 2019 is nine open invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue. You received 217 invoices totalling £93,669, of which 208 have been paid totalling £88,829 and you raised 273 invoices totalling £175,495, of which 264 have been paid totalling £165,638.
tell me all the funny creditor invoices and how much do i have to pay on Tues
  • Expected InvoiceState to be one of 'ExplicitAll', 'ImplicitAll' but found 'ImplicitUnpaid'.
  • Response: Regrettably, I didn't recognise everything you said, however the amount owed to creditors is nine outstanding bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed to creditors by Tuesday (2nd July) is seven outstanding bills totalling £4,490, all of which are overdue.
tell me all the funny creditor invoices then how much do i have to pay on Tues
  • Expected InvoiceState to be one of 'ExplicitAll', 'ImplicitAll' but found 'ImplicitUnpaid'.
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however the amount owed to creditors is nine outstanding bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed to creditors by Tuesday (2nd July) is seven outstanding bills totalling £4,490, all of which are overdue.
tell me all the funny creditor invoices, how much do i have to pay on Tues
  • Expected InvoiceState to be one of 'ExplicitAll', 'ImplicitAll' but found 'ImplicitUnpaid'.
  • Response: Regrettably, I didn't recognise everything you said, however the amount owed to creditors is nine outstanding bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed to creditors by Tuesday (2nd July) is seven outstanding bills totalling £4,490, all of which are overdue.
SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Test Exception

Expressions Notes
are there any open invoices from november what are my invoices for last tomorrow SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test: Found multiple datetime entities in 'are there any open invoices from november what are my invoices for last tomorrow' at async Task SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .InputProcessing .BankingAiProce…