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Query Invoice Tests Canonical - 04/07/19 09:26 - 5004 #4791

Open SME-Issues opened 5 years ago

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Query Invoice Tests Canonical

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Understood and failed but likely higher priority

Expressions Notes
When should I get the money in from ABC ltd?
After pre-processingWhen should I get the money in from ABC ltd
  • expected intent to be query_invoices but found query_payment
  • Expected to find entity 'open_mod' but found only {when, date_in, text, pay_from, money, date_mod, datetime}
  • Response: I've ascertained regarding incoming transactions since 5th June 2019 for ABC Ltd, I can confirm there have been none.
are any bills due on Friday
  • Expected ctx .SingleContext .DateRangeOutputText to be "Friday (31st August)", but "Friday (24th August)" differs near "24t" (index 8).
  • Response: I've had a look at your account details and you have no unpaid invoices on Friday (24th August).
show me the Q4 invoices
  • Expected ctx .SingleContext .DateRangeOutputText to be "Q3 2019", but "Q4 2019" differs near "4 2" (index 1).
  • Response: I've gone through the most recent figures and you have no invoices in Q4 2019.
we're asking for the invoices from Q4
After pre-processingwe are asking for the invoices from Q4
  • Expected ctx .SingleContext .DateRangeOutputText to be "Q3 2019", but "Q4 2019" differs near "4 2" (index 1).
  • Response: All right, I've taken stock and you have no invoices in Q4 2019.
we need to examine the supplier invoices from the 4th qtr
After pre-processingwe need to examine the supplier invoices from the 4th quarter
  • Expected ctx .SingleContext .DateRangeOutputText to be "Q4 2019", but "Q3 2019" differs near "3 2" (index 1).
  • Response: So I've just looked over the finances and you have no outgoing invoices in Q3 2019.
are there any open invoices from november?
After pre-processingare there any open invoices from november
  • Expected ctx .SingleContext .DateRangeOutputText to be <2018-11-30>, but found <2019-11-30>.
  • Response: I can confirm the amount owed to suppliers by November 2019 is nine open bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed from clients by November 2019 is nine open invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue.
can you get me the outstanding July invoices
  • Expected ctx .SingleContext .DateRangeOutputText to be <2020-07-31>, but found <2019-07-31>.
  • Response: I've scanned the digits and the amount owed to suppliers by July 2019 is nine outstanding bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed from clients by July 2019 is nine outstanding invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue.
get me a recent supplier invoice
  • Expected ctx .SingleContext .QueryRecordComparator to be Latest, but found None.
  • Response: All right, I've taken stock and the amount owed to suppliers is nine unpaid bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue.
do i have any invoices to be paid on weds?
After pre-processingdo i have any invoices to be paid on weds
  • Expected InvoiceState to be one of 'Unpaid', 'ImplicitUnpaid' but found 'ImplicitAll'.
  • Expected to find entity 'open_mod' but found only {datetime, text, dt, pay_type}
  • Response: I've inspected and you have no invoices on Wednesday (10th July).
did i invoice mu monsters last month
  • Expected QueryTransactionType to be Incoming but found Undefined
  • Expected to find one of entities {bill_to, pay_from} but found only {date_mod, datetime, text, acct_name}.
  • Response: I can't find that name in your accounting system records.
can i get the invoices
  • Expected QueryTransactionType to be one of 'All', 'Undefined' but found 'Incoming'.
  • Response: I've checked that out and the amount owed from clients is nine unpaid invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue.
which bills are due to be paid now?
After pre-processingwhich bills are due to be paid now
  • Expected QueryTransactionType to be one of 'Outgoing', 'ImplicitOutgoing' but found 'Undefined'.
  • Response: So I've just looked over the finances and the amount owed to suppliers is nine open purchase invoices totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed from clients is nine open sales invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue.
SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Understood and failed but likely lower priority

Expressions Notes
are any bills due immediately
  • Expected to find entity 'datetime_now' but found only {dt, pay_type, open_mod, text}
  • Response: I've gone through the most recent figures and the amount owed to suppliers is nine unpaid bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed from clients is nine unpaid invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue.
are any invoices due immediately
  • Expected to find entity 'datetime_now' but found only {dt, pay_type, open_mod, text}
  • Response: I've investigated the current situation and the amount owed to suppliers is nine unpaid bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed from clients is nine unpaid invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue.
can you find any unpaid invoices in Q3 2017?
After pre-processingcan you find any unpaid invoices in Q3 2017
  • Expected {datetime} to have single value '2017' but found 'q3'
  • Response: Righto, I've found out how things stand and you have no unpaid invoices in Q3 2017.
can you show me the jan 2018 invoices
  • Expected {datetime} to have single value '2018' but found 'jan'
  • Response: I've looked into this and in January 2018 you received four invoices totalling £1,533, all of which have been paid and you raised seven invoices totalling £2,344, all of which have been paid.
Do I need to pay anyone at the moment?
After pre-processingDo I need to pay anyone at the moment
  • Expected to find entity 'datetime_now' but found only {open_mod, paid_query, pay_to, text}
  • Response: Well, I've checked the most up-to-date records and the amount owed to suppliers is nine unpaid bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue.
how much is owed to me in sept
  • Expected {datetime} entity with value 'september' but found only 'sept'
  • Response: I've looked into this and the amount owed from clients in September 2019 is nine open invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue.
how much money do i have due in august
  • Expected to find one of entities {bill_to, pay_from} but found only {datetime, text, money, open_mod}.
  • Response: I've explored and the amount owed to suppliers by August 2019 is nine open bills totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed from clients by August 2019 is nine open invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue.
is carl overdue in paying this month
  • Expected to find one of entities {bill_to, pay_from} but found only {date_mod, datetime, text, overdue, pay_any}.
  • Response: I can't find that name in your accounting system records.
what are my debts
  • Expected to find entity 'creditor' but found only {bill_from, text}
  • Response: I can see the amount owed to suppliers is nine outstanding purchase invoices totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue.
which invoices are due now?
After pre-processingwhich invoices are due now
  • Expected to find entity 'datetime_now' but found only {dt, pay_type, text, open_mod}
  • Response: I can see the amount owed to suppliers is nine open purchase invoices totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed from clients is nine open sales invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue.
show me accounts payable from 1 June to 1 July
  • Expected object to be DateRange, but found None.
  • Response: I'm sorry but I didn't understand all of that, however the amount owed to suppliers is nine outstanding purchase invoices totalling £4,841 of which seven are overdue.
who charged me the most this month
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Biggest but found None
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however in July 2019 you received two invoices totalling £350, neither of which have been paid.
SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Test Exception

Expressions Notes
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how much do i owe kappa clowns for Sept SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test: Multiple pay_to values found . at async Task SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .InputProcessing .BankingAiProcessingTestBase .ProcessExpression(TestSingleExpressionParameters testParameters) in D:/a/1/…
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