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Query Payment Tests Canonical - 04/07/19 09:26 - 5004 #4796

Open SME-Issues opened 5 years ago

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Query Payment Tests Canonical

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Understood and failed but likely higher priority

Expressions Notes
what is the largest payment Horan Ltd have given us this month
  • Expected a single BankingContext but found two
  • Other than 'extras, confirmations & unknown/none' expected a single chunk but found 2
  • Response: I can't find that name in your bank account records. Your biggest outgoing payment was to XYZ Ltd and was for £994. It was paid on the 29th March 2019.
did i get around to paying that money to Gibson Ltd on Thursday
  • Expected ctx .SingleContext .HasDateCriteria to be equivalent to "gibson ltd", but found .
  • Expected {pay_to} to have single value 'gibson ltd' but found 'reverse_polarity_user'
  • Response: I've gone through the most recent figures and regarding outgoing transactions today, I can confirm there have been none.
did xyz ltd remember to pay us on Thursday
  • Expected ctx .SingleContext .PaidDateQueryEnd to be <2019-06-27>, but found <2019-07-04>.
  • Expected {pay_from} to have single value 'xyz ltd' but found 'reverse_polarity_user'
  • Response: I've had a look at the latest picture and regarding incoming transactions today for XYZ Ltd, I can confirm there have been none.
who were my payments to on the fourth of july
  • Expected ctx .SingleContext .PaidDateQueryEnd to be <2019-07-04>, but found <2018-07-04>.
  • Expected to find one of entities {pay_to, outgoing} but found only {datetime, text, day_of_month, who}.
  • Response: I've performed a quick investigation and regarding outgoing transactions on the 4th July 2018, I can confirm there have been none.
when did the first payment from ikea come through
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Oldest but found None
  • Expected to find entity 'comparator' but found only {when, text, pay_from, dt, date_in, date_mod, datetime}
  • Response: I can't find that name in your bank account records.
how many payments were received by the charity account
  • Expected QueryTransactionType to be Incoming but found ImplicitOutgoing
  • Response: So I've just looked over the finances and since 5th June 2019 your outgoings were nine payments totalling £3,316.
what payments were made to my current account
  • Expected QueryTransactionType to be Incoming but found ImplicitOutgoing
  • Response: I've just reviewed your accounts and since 5th June 2019 your spending was nine payments totalling £3,316.
what was the payment worth that Highfield Ltd sent me
  • Expected QueryTransactionType to be Incoming but found ImplicitOutgoing
  • Expected to find entity 'pay_from' but found only {dt, text, date_in, date_mod, datetime}
  • Response: I've performed a quick investigation and since 5th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £3,316.
did Rasmussen Ltd get a payment from me on the 10th
  • Expected QueryTransactionType to be one of 'Outgoing', 'ImplicitOutgoing' but found 'All'.
  • Expected {pay_to} to have single value 'rasmussen ltd' but found 'reverse_polarity_user'
  • Response: I can't find that name in your bank account records.
total spending on chi ltd
  • Expected QueryTransactionType to be one of 'Outgoing', 'ImplicitOutgoing' but found 'All'.
  • Expected to find entity 'pay_to' but found only {query_total, outgoing, text, pay_any}
  • Response: I've evaluated the state of affairs and your total cash received from Rho Chi is 38 payments totalling £14,019.
what was the value of the payment made by Gibson Ltd on Thursday
  • Expected string to contain equivalent of "Thursday" but found "today".
  • Response: I can't find that name in your bank account records.
who paid me on thursday
  • Expected string to contain equivalent of "Thursday" but found "today".
  • Response: I've evaluated the state of affairs and regarding incoming transactions today, I can confirm there have been none.
SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Understood and failed but likely lower priority

Expressions Notes
From the list of my expenses, which is the largest
  • Found invalid entity/value: {pay_type} with value 'expense'.
  • Response: Regrettably, I didn't recognise everything you said, however your biggest outgoing payment was to XYZ Ltd and was for £994. It was paid on the 29th March 2019.
largest expense from this month
  • Found invalid entity/value: {pay_type} with value 'expense'.
  • Response: Regrettably, I didn't recognise everything you said, however regarding outgoing transactions in July 2019, I can confirm there have been none.
please give us the Feb 2017 bills
  • Expected {datetime} to have single value '2017' but found 'feb'
  • Response: Righto, I've found out how things stand and in February 2017 you received four invoices totalling £2,051, all of which have been paid and you raised six invoices totalling £2,887, all of which have been paid.
What was the largest expense from this month
  • Found invalid entity/value: {pay_type} with value 'expense'.
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however regarding outgoing transactions in July 2019, I can confirm there have been none.
did highfield ltd remember to pay us on Thursday
  • Expected ctx .SingleContext .HasDateCriteria to be equivalent to "highfield ltd", but found .
  • Expected {pay_from} to have single value 'highfield ltd' but found 'reverse_polarity_user'
  • Response: I'm sorry but I didn't understand all of that, however regarding incoming transactions today, I can confirm there have been none.
which payment cost us the most
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Biggest but found None
  • Response: I'm sorry but I didn't understand all of that, however since 5th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £3,316.
which payment is costing me the most money
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Biggest but found None
  • Response: Hang on - I didn't quite understand all that, however since 5th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £3,316.
which payment cost the least
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Smallest but found None
  • Expected {comparator} to have single value 'smallest' but found 'least'
  • Response: I didn't understand all of that, however since 5th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £3,316.
SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Test Exception

Expressions Notes
which payments did i receive first this months SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test: Exception of type 'System .ArgumentOutOfRangeException' was thrown .Parameter name: FixedPeriodTypeActual value was Months . at async Task SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .InputProcessing .BankingAiPr…
how much did beta put me out of pocket by SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test: Multiple pay_from values found . at async Task SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .InputProcessing .BankingAiProcessingTestBase .ProcessExpression(TestSingleExpressionParameters testParameters) in D:/a/…