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Compound Query Tests Balance Partial - 19/07/19 19:51 - 5004 #4806

Open SME-Issues opened 5 years ago

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Compound Query Tests Balance Partial

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Understood and failed but likely higher priority

Expressions Notes
how much was in my club and societies account last month and do I have a decent amount in my current account
  • Expected context .AccountBalances .Count to be 2, but found 1.
  • Response: I've had a scoot around and at the end of June 2019 there was £14,469 in your current account. You currently have £21,398 in your current account and £21,398 in your current account.
how much was in my club and societies account last month do I have a decent amount in my current account
  • Expected context .AccountBalances .Count to be 2, but found 1.
  • Response: All right, I've taken stock and at the end of June 2019 you had £14,469 in your current account. You've got £21,398 in your current account and £21,398 in your current account.
how much was in my club and societies account last month, do I have a decent amount in my current account
  • Expected context .AccountBalances .Count to be 2, but found 1.
  • Response: I've performed a quick investigation and at the end of June 2019 you had £14,469 in your current account. There is £21,398 in your current account and £21,398 in your current account.
bring up the balance of my business notice account and tell me all the funny creditor invoices
  • Expected InvoiceState to be one of 'ExplicitAll', 'ImplicitAll' but found 'ImplicitUnpaid'.
  • Response: I didn't understand all of that, however you've got £2,500 in your savings account. The amount owed to creditors is nine unpaid bills totalling £4,291 of which seven are overdue.
bring up the balance of my business notice account tell me all the funny creditor invoices
  • Expected InvoiceState to be one of 'ExplicitAll', 'ImplicitAll' but found 'ImplicitUnpaid'.
  • Response: Hang on - I didn't quite understand all that, however you've got £2,500 in your savings account. The amount owed to creditors is nine unpaid bills totalling £4,291 of which seven are overdue.
bring up the balance of my business notice account then tell me all the funny creditor invoices
  • Expected InvoiceState to be one of 'ExplicitAll', 'ImplicitAll' but found 'ImplicitUnpaid'.
  • Response: I didn't understand all of that, however you've got £2,500 in your savings account. The amount owed to creditors is nine unpaid bills totalling £4,291 of which seven are overdue.
bring up the balance of my business notice account, tell me all the funny creditor invoices
  • Expected InvoiceState to be one of 'ExplicitAll', 'ImplicitAll' but found 'ImplicitUnpaid'.
  • Response: I'm sorry but I didn't understand all of that, however you have £2,500 in your savings account. The amount owed to creditors is nine unpaid bills totalling £4,291 of which seven are overdue.
SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Understood and failed but likely lower priority

Expressions Notes
I really need to see the balance for my current account, right now what is the amount in my savings account
  • Expected ctx .Chunks .Count to be 2, but found 1.
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however you've got £-602 in your current account and £23,410 in your savings account.
what is the amount in my current account can you quickly let me know how much lovely money i have in my business choice account
  • Expected ctx .Chunks .Count to be 2, but found 1.
  • Response: Regrettably, I didn't recognise everything you said, however you currently have £21,398 in your current account and £21,398 in your current account.