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Compound Query Tests Invoice None - 19/07/19 19:52 - 5004 #4810

Open SME-Issues opened 5 years ago

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Compound Query Tests Invoice None

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Understood and failed but likely higher priority

Expressions Notes
can i get a look at the unpaid bills and load the photon torpedoes
  • All chunks understood, expression understood
  • Expected ctx .Chunks .Count to be 2, but found 1.
  • Response: I've investigated the current situation and the amount owed to creditors is nine unpaid bills totalling £4,291 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed from debtors is nine unpaid invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue.
can i get a look at the unpaid bills then load the photon torpedoes
  • All chunks understood, expression understood
  • All chunks understood, expression understood
  • Response: I can't find that name in your accounting system records. The amount owed to creditors is nine unpaid bills totalling £4,291 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed from debtors is nine unpaid invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue.
how much is owed to me in sept pick any card
  • Expected ctx .ProcessorResponse .ChunkData[0] .Context .HasDateCriteria to be true, but found False.
  • Expected ctx .Chunks .Count to be 2, but found 1.
  • Response: Hang on - I didn't quite understand all that, however the amount owed from clients is nine unpaid invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue.
SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Understood and failed but likely lower priority

Expressions Notes
are there invoices which are still unpaid then fly me to the moon
  • Expected to find entity 'open_mod' but found only {pay_type, text}
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however the amount owed to creditors is nine open bills totalling £4,291 of which seven are overdue. The amount owed from debtors is nine open invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue.
how much is owed to me in sept and pick any card
  • Expected {datetime} entity with value 'september' but found only 'sept'
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however the amount owed from clients in September 2019 is nine unpaid invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue.
how much is owed to me in sept then pick any card
  • Expected {datetime} entity with value 'september' but found only 'sept'
  • Response: I didn't understand all of that, however the amount owed from clients in September 2019 is nine unpaid invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue.
how much is owed to me in sept, pick any card
  • Expected {datetime} entity with value 'september' but found only 'sept'
  • Response: I didn't understand all of that, however the amount owed from clients in September 2019 is nine unpaid invoices totalling £9,857 of which four are overdue.