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Compound Query Tests Payment Payment - 19/07/19 19:53 - 5004 #4816

Open SME-Issues opened 5 years ago

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Compound Query Tests Payment Payment

SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Understood and failed but likely higher priority

Expressions Notes
When did I last pay ABC Ltd? Was it this month?
After pre-processingWhen did I last pay ABC Ltd. Was it this month
  • Expected ctx .ProcessorResponse .ChunkData .Count to be 2, but found 1.
  • Expected ctx .Chunks .Count to be 2, but found 1.
  • Response: I can see your last payment was to ABC Ltd for £192 on the 14th July 2019.
look through this month's payments and show me the biggest expense
After pre-processinglook through this month payments and show me the biggest expense
  • Expected ctx .ProcessorResponse .ChunkData[0] .Context .PaidDateQueryStart to be <2019-07-01>, but found <2019-06-20>.
  • Expected {date_mod} entity with value 'this' but found only 'last'
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however since 20th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £4,758. Your biggest outgoing payment was to XYZ Ltd and was for £994. It was paid on the 16th March 2019.
look through this month's payments show me the biggest expense
After pre-processinglook through this month payments show me the biggest expense
  • Expected ctx .ProcessorResponse .ChunkData[0] .Context .PaidDateQueryStart to be <2019-07-01>, but found <2019-06-20>.
  • Expected {date_mod} entity with value 'this' but found only 'last'
  • Response: Hang on - I didn't quite understand all that, however since 20th June 2019 your expenditure was nine payments totalling £4,758. Your biggest outgoing payment was to XYZ Ltd and was for £994. It was paid on the 16th March 2019.
look through this month's payments, show me the biggest expense
After pre-processinglook through this month payments show me the biggest expense
  • Expected ctx .ProcessorResponse .ChunkData[0] .Context .PaidDateQueryStart to be <2019-07-01>, but found <2019-06-20>.
  • Expected {date_mod} entity with value 'this' but found only 'last'
  • Response: I'm sorry but I didn't understand all of that, however since 20th June 2019 your spending was nine payments totalling £4,758. Your biggest outgoing payment was to XYZ Ltd and was for £994. It was paid on the 16th March 2019.
am I correct to think I paid Rasmussen Ltd on Friday and compared to last month, what are my outgoings
  • Expected ctx .ProcessorResponse .ChunkData[0] .Context .PaidDateQueryStart to be <2019-07-12>, but found <2019-07-19>.
  • Response: Comparison queries are not yet supported in this demonstrator. I can't find that name in your bank account records.
am I correct to think I paid Rasmussen Ltd on Friday compared to last month, what are my outgoings
  • Expected ctx .ProcessorResponse .ChunkData[0] .Context .PaidDateQueryStart to be <2019-07-12>, but found <2019-07-19>.
  • Response: Comparison queries are not yet supported in this demonstrator. I can't find that name in your bank account records.
am I correct to think I paid Rasmussen Ltd on Friday, compared to last month, what are my outgoings
  • Expected ctx .ProcessorResponse .ChunkData[0] .Context .PaidDateQueryStart to be <2019-07-12>, but found <2019-07-19>.
  • Response: Comparison queries are not yet supported in this demonstrator. I can't find that name in your bank account records.
did i get that money from Gibson Ltd on Tuesday and has Parks Ltd sent their payment to us yet
  • Expected ctx .QueryContexts[1] .HasDateCriteria to be false, but found True.
  • Response: I can't find those names in your bank account records.
did i get that money from Gibson Ltd on Tuesday has Parks Ltd sent their payment to us yet
  • Expected ctx .QueryContexts[1] .HasDateCriteria to be false, but found True.
  • Response: I can't find those names in your bank account records.
did i get that money from Gibson Ltd on Tuesday, has Parks Ltd sent their payment to us yet
  • Expected ctx .QueryContexts[1] .HasDateCriteria to be false, but found True.
  • Response: I can't find those names in your bank account records.
Has ABC Ltd paid the last invoice I sent and when did they pay?
After pre-processingHas ABC Ltd paid the last invoice I sent and when did they pay
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Latest but found None
  • Expected to find entity 'comparator' but found only {paid_yet, text, pay_from, pay_type, date_in, date_mod, datetime}
  • Response: I'm sorry but I didn't understand all of that, however regarding incoming transactions since 20th June 2019 for ABC Ltd, I can confirm there have been none.
Has ABC Ltd paid the last invoice I sent when did they pay?
After pre-processingHas ABC Ltd paid the last invoice I sent when did they pay
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Latest but found None
  • Expected to find entity 'comparator' but found only {paid_yet, text, pay_from, pay_type, date_in, date_mod, datetime}
  • Response: I'm afraid I didn't quite get all of that, however regarding incoming transactions since 20th June 2019 for ABC Ltd, I can confirm there have been none.
Has ABC Ltd paid the last invoice I sent, when did they pay?
After pre-processingHas ABC Ltd paid the last invoice I sent, when did they pay
  • Expected QueryRecordComparator to be Latest but found None
  • Expected to find entity 'comparator' but found only {paid_yet, text, pay_from, pay_type, date_in, date_mod, datetime}
  • Response: I'm sorry but I didn't understand all of that, however regarding incoming transactions since 20th June 2019 for ABC Ltd, I can confirm there have been none.
what did we pay for rent in August and did Omega pay us this month
  • Expected TransactionSubtype to be Rent but found Undefined
  • Expected to find entity 'pay_type' but found only {datetime, text, pay_to}
  • Response: I've determined how things are. In August 2018 your spending was seven payments totalling £3,035. In July 2019 your incoming funds from Omega Co were one payment for £439. It was paid on the 14th July 2019.
what did we pay for rent in August did Omega pay us this month
  • Expected TransactionSubtype to be Rent but found Undefined
  • Expected to find entity 'pay_type' but found only {datetime, text, pay_to}
  • Response: I've just reviewed your accounts and in August 2018 your spending was seven payments totalling £3,035. In July 2019 your cash received from Omega Co was one payment for £439. It was paid on the 14th July 2019.
what did we pay for rent in August, did Omega pay us this month
  • Expected TransactionSubtype to be Rent but found Undefined
  • Expected to find entity 'pay_type' but found only {datetime, text, pay_to}
  • Response: I've just checked the up-to-the-minute situation and in August 2018 your outgoings were seven payments totalling £3,035. In July 2019 your sales revenue from Omega Co was one payment for £439. It was paid on the 14th July 2019.
SME-Issues commented 5 years ago

Test Exception

Expressions Notes
have Gibson Ltd sent over money this month did i pay someone on tuesday SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .Helpers .TestFailedException: Error running test: Found multiple datetime entities in 'have gibson ltd sent over money this month on tuesday' at async Task SMEBankingAPI .Tests .Reporting .InputProcessing .BankingAiProcessingTestBase .ProcessExpres…